
If you have a race result to add here please submit it using the form on the contact us page.

  • Multisport (Tri)

    Arundel Tri's

    Sun 29 May 2011

    Arundel Sprint Triathlon (400m swim/19k bike/5.26k run)

    7. John Marinko 45-49 01:02:36 00:07:54/ 00:00:26/ 00:32:14/ 00:00:24/ 00:21:36
    16. Wesley Mechen 30-34 01:05:57 00:07:07/ 00:00:59 /00:35:13/ 00:00:34 /00:22:02
    53. Emma Hughes 25-29 01:15:40 00:07:03/ 00:00:38/ 00:41:27/ 00:00:30 /00:25:59
    64. Tess Sandilands 35-39 01:16:35 00:07:20/ 00:01:08/ 00:42:23 /00:00:23 /00:25:19
    101. Cathryn Walsh 40-44 01:22:16 00:08:54/ 00:01:16/ 00:41:18/ 00:00:47 /00:30:00
    125. Gill Checkley 35-39 01:28:14 00:10:42/ 00:01:32/ 00:48:50/ 00:00:32/ 00:26:35

    Full results

    Arundel Standard Triathlon (800m swim/37k bike/9.25k run)

    4. Malcolm Hughes 50-54 01:54:19 00:13:46/ 00:00:33/ 01:00:24/ 00:00:37 /00:38:57
    21. Roland Harrington 45-49 02:05:41 00:14:16/ 00:00:48/ 01:06:11/ 00:00:56/ 00:43:29
    66. Elizabeth Halliday 45-49 02:27:54 00:17:08/ 00:02:18/ 01:21:23/ 00:01:14/ 00:45:50
    105. Paul Thomas 50-54 03:23:23 00:21:12/ 00:05:04/ 01:28:20/ 00:01:49/ 01:26:56

    Full results

    Well done to everyone

  • Track and Field

    Under 13 league (east) Lewes

    Wed 25 May 2011

    There was a great turnout from the youngsters and some very encouraging results, especially from the boys with victories in the 1000m and high jump (Archie Davis) and 4x100m relay (Jake Silver, Archie Davis, Theo Algar, Matt Berridge).

    After match one, the boys are third, the girls are fifth and the combined teams are 4th.

    Well done to everyone who competed.

    Full results here


  • Multisport (Tri)

    Eton 3/4 Oly Tri -Sun 22 May

    Sun 22 May 2011

    1k swim;30k bike;7.5k run

    Well done to Nigel on his AG win.

     10. Nigel Herron 1. Male 45-49 1:47:27(0:20:29/0:01:58/0:54:39/0:00:49/0:29:32)

     Full results

  • Track and Field

    Phoenix Open and BMC Races

    Wed 18 May 2011

    An overcast evening at Withdean but the rain held off, and our first track meeting in a while was quite a success. It was especially inspiring to see so many young athletes keen to compete and the evening was topped off by some truly thrilling BMC races at 800m 1500m and 3000m distances.

    Full results here

  • Road Race

    Bognor Prom 10k

    Sun 15 May 2011

    30th Michael Whyte 38:40
    31st Daren Elliot 38:53
    54th Terry Avey 40:35 (1st M60)

    4th team

    Full Results

  • Multisport (Tri)

    East Grinstead Triathlon

    Sun 15 May 2011

    Three Brighton Phoenix people in the results and very well done to them.


    109. Michelle Aurthurs 1:27:47

    273. Kathryn Harnett 1:46:04

    292. Ananda Mello-Costa 1:47:52


    Give Kathryn a special well done as this was her first triathlon, and she did the bike course on her trusty old mountain bike.


    Full results here

  • Sussex Grand Prix

    Hastings 5M

    Sun 15 May 2011

    SGP race no 6. Fast, flat, breezy.

    50th Andrew Haig 32:43 (1st V6)

    Full results

  • Road Race

    Manchester 10k

    Sun 15 May 2011

    Josh ran in the South of England team that finsihed 2nd in the inter-area match

    46 Josh Guilmant 31.10

    inter-area results

    1st North of England
    2nd South of England
    3rd Wales
    4th RAF

  • Sussex Grand Prix

    Horsham 10k

    Sun 8 May 2011

    5th in this season's SGP series and…well where was everybody?

    65th Andrew Haig 44:04 (2nd M60)

    Thanks to Stuart Pal who supported and helped with the leafleting

    Full results

  • Multisport (Tri)

    Steyning Triathlon

    Sun 1 May 2011

    In the long race: 800m / 36km / 8km

    5. Hopkins, Tom (00:13:57/ 00:00:43 /00:58:56/ 00:00:29/ 00:27:21) 01:41:27
    8. Hughes, Malcolm (00:13:18/ 00:00:32/ 00:57:08/ 00:00:31/ 00:31:08 ) 01:42:38
    11. Novis, Bob (00:12:40/ 00:00:39/ 00:57:58 /00:00:34/ 00:31:36) 01:43:28
    15. Mills, Chris (00:14:25/ 00:00:41/ 00:57:46/ 00:00:27/ 00:32:12) 01:45:32
    18. Herron, Nigel (00:15:49/ 00:00:47/ 00:57:37/ 00:00:27/ 00:32:17) 01:46:58
    20. Marinko, John (00:15:38/ 00:00:39/ 00:57:51/ 00:00:26/ 00:33:15) 01:47:50
    59. Field, Andrew (00:16:50/ 00:01:52/ 01:09:02/ 00:00:57/ 00:36:26) 02:05:08
    71. Harrington, Roland (00:14:01/ 00:00:52/ 01:15:08/ 00:01:01/ 00:37:06) 02:08:08
    113. Mcgeever, Gina (00:18:12/ 00:02:28 /01:23:41/ 00:00:38/ 00:50:36) 02:35:36
    119. Mello-Costa, Ananda (00:24:47/ 00:00:56 /01:22:11 /0:00:53/ 00:51:51) 02:40:39

    In the sprint: 400m/20km/5km

    9. Woodman, Tim (00:05:38/ 00:00:27/ 00:31:30/ 00:00:26/ 00:20:19) 00:58:21
    29. Mechen, Wesley (00:07:22 /00:01:04/ 00:33:46/ 00:00:59/ 00:17:50) 01:01:02
    35. Mcclelland, Faye (00:07:37/ 00:01:03 /00:34:25/ 00:00:35/ 00:19:11) 01:02:52
    67. Flewett, Will (00:09:24/ 00:00:43/ 00:35:21/ 00:00:53/ 00:20:41) 01:07:03
    76. Hughes, Emma (00:07:06/ 00:00:46/ 00:37:56/ 00:00:34/ 00:21:48 ) 01:08:11
    107. Price, Carla (00:07:33/ 00:00:49 /00:40:50/ 00:00:32/ 00:23:09) 01:12:54
    144. Browne, George (00:08:00 /00:01:28/ 00:40:28 /00:00:52/ 00:27:52) 01:18:41


    Full results are here

    In the long race it looks like Tom did extra lengths in the swim. At least 2 places may have been lost. His run split was fastest by over 2mins.

    Ro was unlucky enough to get a puncture at the last RAB so walked the last 2.5 km back to T2. He still finished though.

    Malcolm got 1st MaleSVet.

    In the sprint Tim managed to break the hour even though he said he wheezed his way through the run.

    Faye was 4th female.

  • Cross Country

    Three Forts Half Marathon

    Sun 1 May 2011

    Tough. Hills. Hot

    14th Brian Friend 1:39:09
    71st Ivan Lyons 1:53:45

    Full results

  • Road Race

    Sussex Road Relays

    Sat 23 Apr 2011

    The lateness of Easter meant brilliantly sunny and warm conditions, and a good turnout from the club was rewarded with a fair share of the honours. The U13 boys, who fielded two teams, kicked us off with a silver medal – Archie Davis taking individual bronze (third fastest leg). Next was a splendid gold-team performance by the over 60 men and then, highlight of the day, a spirited gold-medal performance by an inspired senior men's team. Sixth after two of the six legs, the next four laps took them one minute ahead of arch-rivals Brighton and Hove. Josh Guilmant won individual gold and Tom Hopkins bronze. Charlie Grice was actually second fastest runner of the day behind Josh which made him U17 gold medalist. We scooped all the individual medals in that category – Will Durkin was second and Jake Elliot was third.

    U13 Boys
    A team 2nd
    B team 14th

    U13 Girls
    A team 17th

    Senior Men
    A team 1st
    B team N/S (9th)

    Senior Women
    A team 7th
    B team N/S (15th)

    O40 Men
    A team 4th
    B team 5th

    O50 Men
    A team 4th
    B team 10th

    O 60 Men
    A team 1st

    Full results

  • Road Race

    Boston Marathon

    Mon 18 Apr 2011

    Tom Farsides 3:18:11

  • Road Race

    London Marathon

    Sun 17 Apr 2011

    Whew – what a race that was! And that was just our gallant band of Phoenix athletes

    These are the one's i know about. As seems to be the fashion, the results are not searchable by club. If I've missed you out can you email

    Dave Carter 02:41:11
    Mike Whyte
    Jim Whitelegg 3:36:16
    Emma Satterly 4:06:06
    Elana Moore 4:12:24
    Terry Avey 4:14:49
    John Lamb 4:20:55

    Full results

  • Road Race

    Brighton Marathon

    Sun 10 Apr 2011

    Hotter than expected but what a fantastic spectacle and, in the circumstances, some tidy performances for Phoenix.

    The results don't allow for club or age category search so if I've missed you out please let me know.

    25 Alex Bonzi 2:54:51                                                                                     
    32 Mike Townley 2:56:49
    40 Jon Pike 2:59:31
    72 John Marinko 3:07:34
    147 Miles Davidson 3:13:55
    166 Bob Novis 3:14:45
    346 Brian Friend 3:24:09
    349 Daren Elliot 3:25:20
    473 Jonathan Hancock 3:29:41
    514 Sam Priestnall 3:31:26
    536 Andrew Field 3:31:15
    607 Andrew Neighbour 3:32:54
    872 Tom Holborn 3:42:14
    1155 Stuart Batchelor 3:47:59
    1296 Ivon Lyons 3:50:07
    1650 John Lamb 3:57:53
    1862 John Tindell 4:00:35
    2005 Terry Avey 4:04:50
    4950 Cathryn Walsh 4:47:08

    Kurt Hoyte guided a blind runner, Keith Turner of Arena 80, to a 4:09:39 finish

    Full results

  • Multisport (Tri)

    Goodwood Duathlon

    Sun 10 Apr 2011

    short race results

    4km run/24km bike/4km run

    79. Georgina Browne 1:34:01 (21:45/47:11/25:05)
    Well done George.

    long race results

    4km run/40km bike/8km run

    5. Malcolm Hughes 1:44:33 (14:42/57:52/31:59)
    8. Nigel Herron 1:46:11 (14:46/1:00:18/31:07)
    31. Erica Martin 2:01:33 (16:02/1:11:55/33:36)
    63. Paul Thomas 2:56:48 (28:38/1:19:01/1:09:09)

    Well done to Erica, 3rd senior female, and Malcolm, 3rd male vet.

  • Road Race

    Brighton Marathon Mini-Mile

    Sun 10 Apr 2011

    Our junior athletes were out in force on Brighton Marathon day. There was a terrific entry in the ten races that constituted the Mini-Mile. We were winners in no less than four of those races with pride of place going to Charlie Grice, winner of the U18 boys for the second year running.

    It was especially encouraging to see 21 young athletes from the Phoenix starter group with some stunning results especially in race 7 (2nd, 3rd and 6th).

    Here are the results. If I've missed you out please email me to correct.

    Race 1 U18 boys
    1     Charlie Grice 4:18
    3     Will Durkin 4:33

    Race 1 U15 boys
    1     Sam Kitchen 5:09
    8     Will Russell 6:03

    Race 2 U15 girls
    4     Jody Mann 6.05
    8     Camille Burton 6:24
    9     Maddelaine Houghton 6:25
    18     Lea Sawicki 6:53

    Race 3 U13 Boys
    2    Archie Davis    05:27
    5    Matthew Berridge    05:53
    12    Joe Kelly    06:05
    21    Harry Swindells    06:15
    29    Joe Aston 6.34
    85    Joshua White    07:34
    93    Alex Marinko Maechler    07:40

    Race 4 U13 Girls
    3    Maria Andrews    06:15
    7    Charlotte Matthews    06:26
    9    Elorah Mann    06:34
    13    Annie Tree    06:48
    14    Zoe Sawicki    06:52
    15    Ateya Marshall    06:53
    17    Mia Roach Penn    07:02
    20    Tara May    07:11
    22    Alex Vidler     07:12
    23    Tallulah Jackson-Marriott 07:13
    24    Eve Hull 7.14
    30    Kiera Counihan 7.21
    32    Laura Bird    07:24
    49    Alice Chapman 7.42
    50    Constance Pope 7.44

    Race 5 U11 Boys
    1    Luca Bigg    06:02
    38   Miles Jamie 7.14

    Race 6 U11 Boys
    1    Samuel Betts    05:50

    Race 7 U11 Girls
    2    Cicely Perry 6.45
    3    Mia Whitaker-Jones 6.48
    5    Claudia Betts    06:57
    6    Esme Whitworth 7.01
    17   Marie Belcher 7.28
    20   Abi Roach Penn 7.34
    26   Amelia Arlett 7.47
    29   Alice Jeffrey 7.54
    47   Laura Hewlett 8.32
    76   Lottie Bentham 9.12

    Race 8 U11 Girls
    6     Louisa Saunders 7.15
    10   Ruby Daniels 7.22
    16   Ruby Graves 7.34
    21    Miranda Wright 7.43
    35    Isabel Whitelegg    08:01
    36    Franchesca White 8.02
    69    Madeleine Marinko Maechler 9.00

    Full results

  • Sussex Grand Prix

    Worthing 20M

    Sun 27 Mar 2011

    Not the most exciting run – 4x5M laps round the streets of West worthing. Nevertheless, it provides a useful pace check for the spring marathon runners.447 finishers.

    23rd Sam Priestnall 2:13:58
    25th Bob Novis 2:15:52 (1st M50)
    42nd Andrew Field 2:21:57 (1st M60)
    79th Kurt Hoyte 2:27:56

    113rd Tom Sanderson 2:37:00

    Full results

  • Road Race

    Reading Half Marathon

    Mon 21 Mar 2011

    54th Dave Carter 1:13:54
    263rd Michael Whyte 1:24:09
    395th Jim Whitelegg 1:26:42
    443rd Ray Matthews !:1:27:40
    498th Brian Friend 1:28:08
    2196th Liam Chessel 1:42:36

    THe race was won in 1:03:03 by Edwin Kipyego
    There were 12,308 finishers

    Full results

  • Sussex Grand Prix

    Hastings Half Marathon

    Sun 20 Mar 2011

    Good running conditions. Nice early spring temperature and very little wind. The hills are still there though.There were 3772 finishers and the race was won by Gordon Mugi of Kenya in 1:08:00.

    24th Darryl Hards 1:17:09
    165th Andrew Neighbour !:29:27
    300th Andrew Haig 1:34:10
    348th Terry Avey 1:36:08
    460th Tom Sanderson 1:38:20
    3619th Paul Thomas 3:04:32

    Full results

  • Road Race

    New York Half Marathon

    Sun 20 Mar 2011

    Mo Farah won the NYC half marathon in 1:00:23

    Chasing him were the doughty Phoenix contingent who had flown in just hours before

    1102nd Malcolm Kemp 1:34:43
    1774th Phil Hampshire 1:40:46
    5734th Carol Webb 2:03:59
    5736th Steve Webb 2:04:00
    6981st Jeanette Dobson (Phil's partner) 2:11:13

    There were 10,188 finishers

    Full results

  • Cross Country

    English Schools XC Champs

    Sat 19 Mar 2011

    Max Pickard was second scorer in the senior boys team that triumphed at the English Schools cross-country championships in Nottingham on the 19th of March. This is only the second time in the championship's 50-year history that a Sussex team has led the field.

    They beat a strong Kent team into first place by just 9 points.

    Other Phoenix runners involved were:
    Billy White 64th Junior boys (sixth team), Will Durkin 44th Intermediate boys, Megan Lillie 215th Intermediate girls, Beth Kidger 103rd and Megan Kidger 227th senior girls.

    Jake Elliot was unfortunate in having to pull out of the Intermedite boy's race.

    Full results

  • Sussex Grand Prix

    Eastbourne Half Marathon

    Sun 6 Mar 2011

    Not an easy course with a mile-long hill early on and fierce headwinds for much of the race. Cold too. Well done to Darryl for another excellent performance. The race was won by James Baker in 1:14:18 and there were 1135 finishers.

    5th Darryl Hards 1:18:46
    111th Andrew Haig 1:34:54
    187th Terry Avey 1:39:33

    Phil Hampshire pulled out at nine miles with calf strain, mindfull of his run in the New York Half Marathon in two weeks time.

    Full results

  • Road Race

    Bath Half Marathon

    Sun 6 Mar 2011

    17th Josh Guilmant 1:09:38

    Full results

  • Multisport (Tri)

    Frosty Aquathlon

    Sun 6 Mar 2011

    1 Hopkins, Tom (00:12:16/00:34:24) 00:46:40

    10 Hughes, Malcolm (00:13:02/00:39:12) 00:52:14

    13 Herron, Nigel (00:15:22/00:39:23)00:54:45

    16 Sievewright, Andrew (00:12:55/00:42:55)00:55:50

    18 Martin, Erica (00:15:30/00:41:38)00:57:08 2nd FS

    19 Woodman, tim (00:14:30/00:42:54)00:57:24

    22 Harrington, Roland (00:14:13/00:43:32)00:57:45

    34 Woodward, Richard (00:16:12/00:47:48)01:04:00

    42 Evers, deborah (00:16:33/00:51:48)01:08:21 1stFSV

    56 Mello-Costa, Ananda (00:21:50/01:01:11)01:23:01

    58 Thomas, Paul (00:21:20/01:15:24)01:36:44



    4. Wes Mechen 27:16 (7:12/20:04)
    16. Carla Price 35:05 (9:01/26:04)
    21. George Browne 37:45 (9:29/28:16)


    In the team race Phoenix Phast (Erica, Andrew, Tom and Malcolm) took the title.

  • Cross Country

    Inter-counties cross country champs

    Sat 5 Mar 2011

    There were nine Phoenix athletes selected for County representation in Birmingham and eight were able to run, with impressive results.

    For the senior men, Finn McNally was 126th and James Miles 246th. For the U20 men Max Pickard was 36th as part of the third-placing team. In the U15s Billy White was 85th and in the U13s Archie Davis was 103rd and Reuben Hoyte 177th. Liz Durman ran 198th in the senior women's race and Beth Kidger 118th for the U17s.

    Full results

  • Road Race

    Brighton Half Marathon

    Sun 20 Feb 2011

    Great performances by Phoenix (and well done to Paul and the marshalls too). Quite a few pbs – Bruce Warren, jim Whitelegg and Paul Thomas knocked huge chunks off their previous times.

    2nd 1:08:30 Ian Leitch
    8th 1:12:58 Dave Carter
    14th 1:15:22 Daryll Hards
    29th 1:18:50 Bruce Warren
    34th 1:20:05 Bruce Faulkner
    41st 1:20:52 Mike Townley
    52nd 1:21:37 Mike Whyte
    80th 1:24:18 Joe Francis
    105th 1:25:24 John Marinko
    129th 1:26:20 Jim Whitelegg
    176th 1:27:54 Phil Hampshire
    194th 1:28:24 Brian Friend
    243rd 1:29:23 Andrew Neighbour
    471st 1:34:15 Jon Mitchell
    506th 1:35:04 Terry Avey (1st M60)
    636th 1:36:58 Phillip Stevens
    670th 1:37:48 Tom Sanderson
    751st 1:38:54 Jonathan Lamb
    826th 1:38:32 Stuart Batchelor
    1331st 1:45:49 Stephen Fewings
    1561st 1:47:22 Carol Webb
    2146th 1:52:03 Peter Hards
    2641st 1:57:14 Rik Taub
    5496th 3:05:29 Paul Thomas

    Great turnout for the junior races as well with Isaac Wright, Max Winter and Archie Davis in great form.

    8–11 year olds
    1st Isaac Wright 5:02
    2nd Max Winter 5:05
    Then well done to the rest of the Phoenix 'team' who finished in this order: Almaz Nerurkar, Charlotte Matthews, Louisa Sanders, Harry Swindells, Mia Whittaker-Jones, Adam Willard, Annie Tree, Lukas Nerurkar, Tallulah Jackson-Marrot, Daisy Reuby, Joshua White, Miles Jamie, Marie Belcher, Constance Pope, Alice Chapman, Laura Bird, Eve Hull, Alice Jeffrey, Laura Hewlett, Isabelle Curd, Madelaine Marinko Meacher.

    12–16 year olds
    2nd Archie Davis 4:40
    25th Chay Reuby 6:07

    Full results

  • Cross Country

    English cross-country championships

    Sat 19 Feb 2011

    44th 00:38:27 Josh Guilmant Phoenix AC


  • Cross Country

    Sussex XC league (4) Lancing

    Sat 12 Feb 2011

    At the last cross-country league race at Lancing on the 12th February, the Under 13 boys team who have been excellent all season took first place on the day and claimed silver team medal for the season.

    With seven athletes in the team all performing well, the lads really showed the rest of us how its done. Team manager Quenton Davis puts it this way: 'I think a combination of up-and-coming talent & and our commitment to attendance in numbers saw us through'

    Archie Davis was first home in third place just 23 seconds off the lead. Archie was unlucky to miss out on the individual medals by a whisker. Then we had Matt Berridge 7th, Reuben Hoyte 9th, Isaac Wright 12th, Will Russell 32nd and Josh White 40th. Joe Lillie was unlucky to have to withdraw with an injury.

    U15 boys featured two ever-reliable athletes Sam Kitchen 9th and Luke Reynolds 21st and place sixth for the year.

    There was no U17 boys team featuring at all in the results.

    Charlotte Matthews ran well again for the U13s but without support the team was just 11th for the season. Jody Mann 6th, and Amber Muir 14th ran well for the under 15 girls but without a full team had to settle for 6th overall.

    The senior women fielded just two runners, Liz Durman 15th and Megan Lillie (U17) 42nd. After poor representation all season they languish 5th in the second division.

    The senior men again featured just two runners (James Miles an excellent 9th and Andrew Neighbour 69th) and had to depend on the vets for their scoring including 60+ runner Malcolm Kemp. They were inevitably well short of the medals in 5th place. The vet men have been reasonably represented during the season but were without their strongest team at Lancing. They held on to fifth place. Nigel Herron ran a terrific 34th and Malcolm Hughes 55th and Lance Bellers 67th were the other scorers.

    We need to decide whether we want to succeed across the board in this competition next season and, if so, what can we learn from the U13 boys team?

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Chichester Priory 10k

    Sun 6 Feb 2011

    The first of this season's Sussex Grand Prix Races (and also Sussex 10K Challenge) this is a fast and flat course, but overcast and windy conditions were not ideal. There were 1610 finishers with the race won in 30:04 (Benjamin Noad, Highgate Harriers).

    Phoenix results (chip times):
    Josh Guilmant (31:23) 10th
    James Miles (33:52) 38th
    Bruce Faulkner (36:01) 77th
    Andrew Haig (40:14) 184th
    Terry Avey (40:46) 196th
    Andrew Seivewright – second claim (43:46) 332nd
    Sonal Chaudhary (48:11) 659th
    Deborah Evers (51:51) 905th
    Ananda Mello-Costa (59:21) 1330th

    Phoenix men (Josh, James, Bruce) were third in the team competition.

    Full results

  • Cross Country

    South of England XC Champs Parliament Hill Fields

    Sat 29 Jan 2011

    It's tough at this level, so some good performances here, especially by Archie in the U13 boys race. Figures in brackets give size of field/winning time.

    U13 boys Archie Davis 32nd 12:29 (224/11:19)
    Sen women Liz Durman 83rd 35:23 Erica Martin 90th 35:46 Sonal Chaudhary
    331st 46:11 (381/29.47)
    Sen men Dave Carter 106th 55:31 Andrew Neighbour 521st 1:08:04 (885/48:23)

    Next year this fixture will be at Stanmer Park. Maybe we can look forward to a better turnout and, who knows, some teams!

    Full results

  • Cross Country

    Sussex masters XC Champs

    Sat 22 Jan 2011

    Team silver for the over 60s (Andrew Haig, Terry Avey, Malcolm Kemp with Rik Taub in support) and team bronze for the over 40s (Bruce Warren, David Powell, Nigel Herron, Bruce Faulkner with Malcolm Hughes, John Marinko and Ro Harrington in support). Fine runs by Phil Hampshire and Brian Friend in the over 50s.

    Full results

  • Cross Country

    Sussex Schools XC Champs

    Sat 22 Jan 2011

    Phoenix athletes were prominent among the medals

    SENIOR BOYS. Charlie Grice (Cardinal Newman) silver.
    INTERMEDIATE BOYS. Jake Elliot (Blatchington Mill) gold, Will Durkin (Ardingly) silver.
    JUNIOR BOYS. Billy White (Patcham) gold
    SENIOR GIRLS. Beth Kidger (Sussex Downs College) bronze.

    There were plenty of other excellent performances by Phoenix youngsters.

    Full results

  • Road Race

    Rock n Roll Arizona – Phoenix marathon

    Sun 16 Jan 2011

    Brian Friend kicked off the Phoenix marathon season with an excellent run at this (30,000 runner) event.

    He set a target of 3:15 so his 3:14:44 is as close as dammit! This gave him 261st place with a remarkable AG 3rd.

    Well done Brian. We have to get him back now to head the O50 team in the masters XC champs next weekend.

    Full results

  • Cross Country

    Sussex XC league (3) Bexhill

    Sat 15 Jan 2011

    It's the boys teams that are still keeping the Phoenix flag flying. The U13 boys fielded 5 runners with Archie Davis (3rd), Reuben Hoyte (4th), Isaac Wright (9th) running exceptionally well, with Joe Lillie and Will Russell in support. Winners on the day, the team have now moved into bronze position overall. The U15 boys have jumped from 7th to 4th overall with excellent runs from Billy White (3rd), Sam Kitchen (14th) and Luke Reynolds (21st). Thats where it stops with the under 17 boys without a team and no longer featuring in the tables.

    Well done to Charlotte Matthews, Elorah Mann (U13G), Jodie Mann, Amber Muir (U15G) for strong performances. Its always going to be difficult to trouble the medals without full scoring teams. The U15s, though, have moved up from 9th to 8th place.

    Then – oh dear – the senior turnout was dire. The women first. TheU17 runner Megan Lillie, was the ONLY Phoenix runner. She ran brilliantly for 30th place but in division 2, the women's team has now plunged from third to fifth position overall.

    The men too were unable to provide a complete scoring team with James Miles (an excellent 9th) the only senior runner. As ever it was down to the four vets who turned up to provide a measure of respectability. Bruce Warren (33rd), Nigel Herron (48th) and Malcolm Hughes (69th) ran well, with O65 runner Andrew Haig (91st) unexpectedly having to contribute to the scoring. Inevitably the seniors have slipped from third to 4th overall but with 34 points separating them from bronze could still get among the medals at Lancing. The vets have slipped a place to 5th but it's very tight with just 11 points separating them from bronze-placed Arena 80.

    …the U13 Boys now lie in bronze position in the team event overall. Statistically, we have not yet fielded our strongest 3 runners in any of the first 3 matches. Brighton & Hove have pretty much run away with the gold medal  but Chichester, currently in 2nd place,  are now only 15 points ahead of the Phoenix Boys. After the great performances on Saturday at Bexhill, we took the team event over Chichester by 12 points. With Archie Davis now looking like he is back to full fitness and the other boys all improving with every match, particularly Reuben, Matt Berridge and Isaac Wright, if we manage to field our strongest teams at Lancing, it may all get very interesting indeed. Whatever the outcome, this has been an outstanding cross country season for the Phoenix U13 Boys, who are pretty much all in their first season and with the exception of Will Russell, all eligible to compete in this age group again.

    Full results

  • Cross Country

    Sussex x-Country Champs

    Sat 8 Jan 2011

    Phoenix were able to field runners in all categories (39 in total) but success came almost exclusively from the boys and junior men. Congratulations to individual medal winners Billy White (gold), Charlie Grice (gold), Jake Elliot (silver), Max Pickard (silver) and Finn McNally (bronze). Team successes: U17B gold, JM silver, U13B bronze and U15B bronze.

    Senior men were just 5 points off the medals in fourth place and the senior women came 5th

    See full news report

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Mince Pie 10M

    Sun 12 Dec 2010

    A great showing by Daryll Hards for second place on this tough 10 miler.

    2nd Daryll Hards 1:00:23
    54th Terry Avey 1:16:20
    60th Matt Plass 1:17:01
    103rd Peter Hards 1:23:06
    123rd Will Flewett 1:25:27
    159th Elana Moore 1:29:50
    325th Paul Thomas 2:29:14

    Full results

  • Cross Country

    Pudding Catcher 12k

    Sun 12 Dec 2010

    22  01:19:57 92 Liz Halliday Vet F   1ST

  • Cross Country

    Plumpton Cross Country Sussex League Race

    Sat 27 Nov 2010

    A very cold day so a reasonable turnout especially by the seniors /vets

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Brighton 10k

    Sun 21 Nov 2010

    Great Phoenix turnout and some fantastic performances here with quite a few pbs. Especial congratulations to Max Pickard for his first U20 placing and a beautifully-judged run.

    Josh Guilmant 00:31:28 11 00:31:27 12
    Max Pickard 00:33:11 26 00:33:09 25
    James Miles 00:33:13 27 00:33:11 27
    Dave Carter 00:33:35 31 00:33:33 31
    Ray Matthews 00:35:44 64 00:35:41 68
    Joseph Francis 00:35:46 65 00:35:40 67
    Bruce Faulkner 00:35:56 71 00:35:51 72
    Gary Thayre 00:36:11 77 00:36:05 78
    Bruce Warren 00:36:51 89 00:36:45 89
    Tom Holborn 00:37:25 105 00:37:14 105
    Nigel Herron 00:38:07 132 00:37:59 133
    Andy Triggs 00:38:32 148 00:38:32 151
    Jon Pike 00:38:36 152 00:38:28 154
    John Marinko 00:38:38 153 00:38:29 156
    Lance Bellers 00:38:49 161 00:38:43 164
    Jim Whitelegg 00:39:02 170 00:38:55 176
    Erica Martin 00:39:06 176 00:38:59 178
    Terry Avey 00:39:59 221 00:39:52 231
    Andrew Neighbour 00:40:45 257 00:40:07 245
    Elizabeth Durman 00:41:01 275 00:40:49 279
    Roland Harrington 00:41:56 319 00:41:37 327
    Malcolm Kemp 00:42:30 355 00:42:14 369
    Tony Holborn 00:43:48 436 00:43:30 464
    Gina Mcgeever 00:45:47 582 00:44:55 585
    Michelle Arthurs 00:49:13 866 00:48:12 886
    Cathryn Walsh 00:50:29 960 00:49:17 994
    Deb Friis 00:51:23 1057 00:50:19 1117
    Carolyn Austen 00:59:01 1718 00:58:21 1850
    Ananda Mello-Costa 01:03:22 2040 01:00:53 2051
    Paul Thomas 01:17:24 2412 01:14:54 2414

    Full results

  • Sussex Grand Prix

    Phoenix Races

    Sun 14 Nov 2010

    Thanks to Andy Bone and the team for a smoothly-run and successful event. Feedback has been good about the changes to distance and format. There is a full report and link to results together with a picture gallery in the news section.

  • Road Race

    New York Marathon

    Sun 7 Nov 2010

    Max-Patrick Lippert  3:07:12 (Half 1:29:56) 1415th
    Full results


  • Sussex Grand Prix

    Barns Green Half Marathon

    Sun 31 Oct 2010

    3rd Ian Leitch 1:10:27
    27th Joe Francis 1:20:27
    40th Bruce faulkner 1:21:56
    70th Nigel Herron 1:25:41
    78th Chris Mills 1:26:35
    102nd Phil Hampshire 1:28:06
    132nd Lance Bellers 1:29:38
    169th Brian Friend 1:32:01
    185th Andrew haig 1:32:56
    233rd Daren Elliot 1:35:12
    243rd Terry Avey 1:35:23
    314th Stephen Webb 1:38:01
    373rd Tony Holborn 1:39:53
    383rd Elizabeth Halliday 1:40:02
    940th Rik Taub 1:56:39
    1646th Paul Thomas 3:14:57

    Full results

  • Multisport (Tri)

    Thruxton Mass Attack Duathlon

    Sun 24 Oct 2010

    Date: Sun 24th October 2010 | Location: Thurxton Motor Racing Circuit
    Run 5k / Bike 30k / Run 5k


    62. Erica Martin 01:39:38


    Erica was 5th lady O/A and 2nd in her A/G


    Full results here

  • Cross Country

    Sussex XC league (1) Goodwood

    Sat 23 Oct 2010

    And they're off! Cross-country league 1 took place at Goodwood on Saturday 23 October. The good news is that Phoenix were represented in all age groups, both male and female. The less good news is that The U17 boys, the U15 girls, the U13 girls and the senior women were short of a full scoring team. The points are made up by taking the number of runners in each race and adding ten points to complete the scoring and that is a heavy penalty!

    The U13 boys are in a handy 6th place, within striking distance of the medals. Archie Davis ran an excellent race for 4th with the ever reliant Matt Berridge and Will Russell backing him up. The U13 girls are in 11th place with Charlotte Matthews and Madeline Houghton running solidly.

    In the U15 categories Jody Mann was only representative for the girls, running well for 12th. The U15 boys with four runners led by Billy White (3rd) were second team.

    In the U17 boys event Charlie Grice cruised to a well-judged win with Will Durkin impressing for 5th place. They are 5th as a team.

    The senior women would have scored well with a third runner to back up Liz Durman (12th) and Deb Friis (59th). As it happened the cavalry in the guise of Anita and Rachel arrived just too late for the start. So – they are languishing in division 2 for the moment.

    The senior men were short of a few lead runners for one reason or another but put in a spirited performance with Finn McNally (6th), Max Pickard (7th), new member Tom Hopkins (9th) and James Miles (16th) putting us into an excellent 2nd position.

    The vets led by Garry Thayre (51st) are in 5th but just a handfull of points away from 3rd spot.

    Three to go and all to play for as they say, but let's complete those teams folks.

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Beachy Head Marathon

    Sat 23 Oct 2010

    Those that ran it were agreed this is a great race but the results are a mess. Only the top ten finishers had names matched to times. This seems inexcusable for such a high profile event.

    As far as we can work out, these are the Phoenix finishers:

    Jon Pike 3:32 16th
    Liz Halliday 3:58 84th
    Matt Plass 4:06 114th
    Elena Moore 4:43 364th

    Excellent performances all round.

    Results (if you insist)

    Better to read Liz's report

  • Sussex Grand Prix

    Lewes Downland 10M

    Sun 3 Oct 2010

    Rain, strong winds, mud underfoot and of course the usual killer hills made this a fun day out for a strong Phoenix contingent.

    18th Bruce Faulkner 1:10:09
    29th Daren Elliot 1:12:09
    30th Brian Friend 1:12:21
    34th Lance Bellers 1:13:23
    35th Jim Whitelegg 1:14:02
    58th Andrew Haig 1:17:30 (ist M65)
    94th Liz Halliday 1:23:02
    116th Vimukta Thurlow 1:27:28
    130th Rik Taub 1:31:09

    Full results

  • Road Race

    Goodwood XC relays

    Sat 2 Oct 2010

    The U13 boys (Reuben Hoyte, Archie Davis and Matt Berridge) took team silver as did the vet men (Garry Thayre, Dave Powell, Daren Elliot, Malcolm Hughes).

    The senior women's A team (Kate Kidger, Megan Kidger, Beth Kidger) took bronze with the B team (Erica Martin, Michelle Arthurs and Liz Durman) fourth. Vet women (Rachel Bibby, Liz halliday and Lesley Fairburn) were 5th in their race.

    The senior men (Josh Guilmant, James Miles, Joe Francis and Jake Elliot) were 6th with Josh running the fastest leg of the day overall.

    Full results

  • Cross Country

    Firle 10k and half marathon trail runs

    Sun 26 Sep 2010

    Its getting popular this one, not surprising since it involves breathtaking views over autumn landscapes – yes you have to climb up a bit!

    In the 10K Michelle Arthurs was 29th in 1:03:21, Paul Thomas was 88th in 1:43:20.

    In the half marathon Jon Pike came a magnificant 9th in 1:34:41, Ivan Lyons 67th 1:49:59, Duncan Tree 78th !:50:56, Liz Halliday 1:51:53, Gina McGeever 121st 1:58:59.

    Just a reminder triathletes that running races should be entered as "Phoenix AC"


  • Road Race

    SEAA 6/4 stage relays Aldershot

    Sun 26 Sep 2010

    This is keenly fought by all the major clubs in the South. In this environment we would always hope to be at least in the middle of the results and...guess what – thats pretty much what each team achieved with some sepecially tasty performances. The only disappointment was the complete absence of women's and girls teams.

    Boys U13's   17th (out of 31)   48m 19s 
    Reuben Hoyte        11m 31s
    Matthew Berridge   12m 22s
    Will Russell
               12m 57s
    Archie Davis          11m 29s

    Senior men   34th (out of 62)    2:03:14
    Dave Carter                       20:00 44  

    Matt Barrie                        20:27 36 

    Max Lippert                       20:54 38 

    James Miles                       21:17 40  

    Josh Guilmant                    19:09 32  

    Joe Isherwood                   21:27 34   

    Vet 40 men   18th (out of 31)    1:32:27
    Ray Matthews
                        23:01 42 
    Lance Bellers
                        23:36 34
    David Powell
                         22:25 29
    Malcolm Hughes
                   23:25 24   


    Full results

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