If you have a race result to add here please submit it using the form on the contact us page.
Cross Country
Black Cap Handicap
Thu 14 Jun 2018
Another lovely running of the club's annual event. Well done Andy Pumphrey for winning the handicap within a week of completing his 100th ultra race.
NAME Start time from 19:00 Finish Time Actual Time EST BC5 @ 0.85 EST 10K Notes Andy Pumphrey 19:08:30 19:48:47 00:40:17 00:42:30 00:50:00 handicap winner Will Russell 19:15:05 19:49:49 00:34:44 00:35:55 00:42:15 Ivan Vaughan 19:14:14 19:50:05 00:35:51 00:36:46 00:43:15 Pete Goodman 19:15:05 19:50:07 00:35:02 00:35:55 00:42:15 Andy Bone 19:15:05 19:50:09 00:35:04 00:35:55 00:42:15 Josh Guilmant 19:15:05 19:50:12 00:35:07 00:35:55 00:42:15 running with Andy Bone Tomas Navickas 19:14:40 19:50:19 00:35:39 00:36:20 00:42:45 Cat Bounds 19:15:05 19:50:21 00:35:16 00:35:55 00:42:15 Fastest female Jon Wright 19:11:03 19:50:36 00:39:33 00:39:57 00:47:00 Lance Bellers 19:15:05 19:51:00 00:35:55 00:35:55 00:42:15 Jude Matthews 19:02:59 19:51:03 00:48:04 00:48:01 00:56:30 Alex Cruttenden 19:20:24 19:51:10 00:30:46 00:30:36 00:36:00 Fastest male Richard Thompson 19:14:14 19:51:13 00:36:59 00:36:46 00:43:15 Tom Clewley 19:18:04 19:51:18 00:33:14 00:32:56 00:38:45 Sarah Russell 19:00:00 19:51:29 00:51:29 00:51:00 01:00:00 John Lamb 19:12:20 19:51:30 00:39:10 00:38:40 00:45:30 Andrew Haig 19:12:45 19:51:35 00:38:50 00:38:15 00:45:00 Phil Hampshire 19:12:45 19:51:35 00:38:50 00:38:15 00:45:00 Chris Chilton 19:14:27 19:51:38 00:37:11 00:36:33 00:43:00 guest Gill Checkley 19:10:38 19:51:39 00:41:01 00:40:22 00:47:30 Joe Checkley 19:10:38 19:51:39 00:41:01 00:40:22 00:47:30 running with Gill Andrew Haslam 19:17:22 19:51:44 00:34:22 00:34:38 00:40:45 James White 19:11:28 19:51:45 00:40:16 00:39:32 00:46:30 prospective member Barry Blackwell 19:16:31 19:51:46 00:35:15 00:35:29 00:41:45 Jim Whitelegg 19:16:31 19:51:53 00:35:22 00:35:29 00:41:45 Matt Parry-Jones 19:13:36 19:52:00 00:38:24 00:37:24 00:44:00 Helen Moss 19:16:18 19:52:04 00:35:46 00:35:29 00:41:45 guest Nigel Herron 19:18:42 19:52:07 00:33:25 00:32:18 00:38:00 Amelia Culshaw 19:14:14 19:52:26 00:38:12 00:36:46 00:43:15 Donald Maclellan 19:18:42 19:52:50 00:34:08 00:32:18 00:38:00 Rik Taub 19:02:59 19:53:48 00:50:49 00:48:01 00:56:30 Malcolm Hughes 19:15:31 19:54:10 00:38:39 00:35:29 00:41:45 Andrew Neighbour 19:14:53 19:54:30 00:39:38 00:36:07 00:42:30 Hildi Mitchell 19:08:30 19:59:07 00:50:37 00:42:30 00:50:00 -
Track and Field
BMC Gold Standard Races Watford
Wed 13 Jun 2018
Men's 800m
Pos Time Name 1 1:48.69 Spencer Thomas 2 1:49.18 (PB) Robbie Fitzgibbon 3 1:49.26 Charlie Grice Men's 1500m B
Pos Time Name 11 3:52.09 Max Pickard Women's 1500m A
Pos Time Name 4 4:21.61 Beth Kidger 13 4:43:32 Tara Bage -
Track and Field
Sussex Vets League Lewes
Mon 11 Jun 2018
Nigel running as a guest in this league.
Men's 200m (m35)
Pos Time Name 4 29.3 (PB) Nigel Herron Men's 800m (m50)
Pos Time Name 3 2:35.6 Nigel Herron -
Multisport (Tri)
Cotswold Half Ironman
Sun 10 Jun 2018
Our Tom Sanderson got under the 5 hour mark for the first time at this event - amazing PB!
Pos Cat Pos Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total Name 85 12 (v45-49) 37:58.4 2:53.2 2:32:40.4 2:03.5 1:39:29.1 4:55:04.8 Tom Sanderson -
Multisport (Tri)
Leeds Triathlon
Sun 10 Jun 2018
This was the British age group Championship (standard distance) - well done to our three competitors, including Sam Wade's shiny win.
Pos Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total Name 1 (m25-29) 10:14 3:41 56:57 1:32 32:30 1:44:53 Sam Wade 6 (m55-59) 12:26 5:01 1:06:56 2:19 42:33 2:09:12 Malcolm Hughes 13 (f55-59) 31:50 7:44 1:20:32 3:41 1:05:25 3:09:11 Liz Halliday -
Fun Run
Hove Park races (WSFRL)
Sun 10 Jun 2018
Please let us know if any results are missing.
Under 15 (~1500m) boys
Pos Time Name 2 5:09 Cassius Hebden 3 5:23 Eddie Harrison 7 6:11 Finley Hawkins Senior (~5.5k)
Pos Time Name 8 20:36 Karn Sandilands 40 22:35 Will Russell -
Road Race
Simmer Dim Half Marathon (Shetland)
Sun 10 Jun 2018
Track and Field
Sussex Schools Athletics Championships
Sat 9 Jun 2018
Some fantastic results from our athletes representing their schools.
800 intermediate girls
1st Milly Dickinson 02:21.38
3rd Harmony Cooper 02:23.71
8th Madelaine Parmar 02:42.14
800m senior girls
1st Naomi Fonteyn 2:25.79
800m junior boys
3rd Marley Bigg 2:13.56 (PB)
200m junior girls
Heat 4th Keira Paterson-Jewell 28.2 (PB)
Final 5th Keira Paterson-Jewell 27.87 (PB)
200m intermediate girls
Heat 3rd Phoebe Thoms 29.22
Final 8th Phoebe Thoms 28.86
1500m intermediate girls
2nd Alice Wright
3rd Mia Edwards
1500m junior boys
8th Casius Hebden 4:49.19
1500m intermediate boys
3rd Will Carey 4:16.14
3000m intermediate boys
3rd Leo Brewer 9:15.48
Cross Country
South Downs Way 100
Sat 9 Jun 2018
Well done Andy Pumphrey - 100th ultra race!
Pos Cat Pos Time Name 110 17 (m50) 24:17:05 Andy Pumphrey -
Track and Field
South of England AA U20 / Senior Championships
Sat 9 Jun 2018
200m U20w
Pos Time Name Heat 3 25.58 (PB) Louisa Saunders Final 7 25.52 (PB) Louisa Saunders