If you have a race result to add here please submit it using the form on the contact us page.
Track and Field
Southern Athletics League Division 3SE
Sun 19 May 2019
400m Senior Men A
Pos Time Name 3 56.0 Tom Mackman -
Track and Field
Loughborough International
Sun 19 May 2019
400 Senior Men
Pos Time Name 3 47.36 (PB) Toby Harries 3000m Senior Men
Pos Time Name 17 8:32.98 Declan Neary -
North Downs Way 50
Sat 18 May 2019
Near perfect conditions greeted 252 runners for the 9th edition of the North Downs Way 50. The fast first half with a minimal amount of climb deliver the majority of runners to the foot of Box Hill at mile 24, in super fast times at the front and with a significant buffer over the cut offs at the back. Then the real work begins. After Box Hill, runners ascend Reigate Hill before the check point at Wray Lane at the 50km mark. And the final 19 miles in from there feature many short sharp ascents and of course the more remote fields and trails of the final 5km. Flat, but never ending!
Runner Sex Category Position Puttenham Newlands Corner Box Hill Stepping Stones Reigate Hill Caterham Botley Hill Knockholt Pound Emily Budd Female Open 69 01:04:36 02:18:57 03:59:51 05:40:30 06:55:01 08:04:04 09:33:54 -
Track and Field
BMC Gold Standard Races
Wed 15 May 2019
Women's 1500m
Pos Time Name 2 4:38.10 Almi Nerurkar -
Track and Field
BMC Gold Standard Races
Wed 15 May 2019
Mens 800m A
Pos Time Name 2 1:49.53 George Mills 3 1:50.28 Archie Davis -
Road Race
Gatwick Half Marathon and 5K
Sun 12 May 2019
Half marathon
Pos Time Name 1 1:11:05 Max Dumbrell 104 1:30:56 Phil Hampshire 448 1:44:45 Malcolm Kemp 824 1:58:17 Tabitha Atkinson 5k
Pos Time Name 2 17:33 Adrian Haines (Phoenix Second Claim member) 39 21:12 Finley Hawkins -
Sussex Grand Prix
Hastings 5M
Sun 12 May 2019
Pos Time Name 6 (1st m45) 28:29 Joe Butler 32 30:47 James Miles 34 (1st m65) 30:57 Paul Whelpton 39 (2nd m45) 31:13 Tony Rickwood 42 31:39 Steve Selby 106 35:03 Mike Townley 151 36:53 Lizzie Miles 158 37:18 Charlotte Softly 196 (1st w60) 39:13 Carol Webb 243 40:14 Valentina Avella 244 (2nd m70) 40:24 Andrew Haig -
Track and Field
Internationales Läufermeeting
Sun 12 May 2019
Pos Time Name 4 8:04.85 Robbie Fitzgibbon -
Road Race
Ipswich Building Society Twilight 5K. Incorporating national 5k championships.
Sat 11 May 2019
Pos Time Name 9 16:18 Beth Kidger 29 18:28 Tara Bage