
If you have a race result to add here please submit it using the form on the contact us page.

  • Fun Run

    Lewes 10K

    Mon 18 Apr 2022

    Pos Gun Time Chip Time Athlete SurName Category CatPos GenPos Gender
    3 00:36:27 00:36:27 Daegan Beaumont Senior Male 1 3 M
    156 00:50:38 00:50:34 Andrew Haig Male Vet 75 1 129


    194 00:53:51 00:53:47 Terry Avey Male Vet 70 2 150 M



  • Fun Run

    Arundel Castle 10K

    Sun 29 Aug 2021

    Pos Name Chip time Cat Cat pos Gender Gender Pos
    10 Will Russell 00:39:24 Sen Male 9 Male 9
    100 Andrew Haig 00:49:41 Vet 70+ 1 Male 81
    139 Terry Avey 00:52:05 Vet 70+ 2 Male 116
    165 Sarah Russell 00:54:30 Vet 55 6 Female 33

  • Road Race, Fun Run

    Virtual Parkrun Series: 5 East Brighton

    Sun 16 May 2021


      Name  Time Age Age grade %
    1 Phil Grabsky 20:32 57 75.32
    2 Steven Frogley 17:44 36 74.15
    3 Andrew Brooks  21:35 60 73.51
    4 Nigel Herron 21:02 56 72.9
    5 Jim Whitelegg 20:36 53 72.65
    6 Sara Burns 22:10 46 71.35
    7 Chelsey Hallam 21:04 26 69.94
    8 Dan Allen 23:19 62 69.26
    9 Terry Avey 26:29 70 65.83
    10 Jess Stribbling 22:29 32 65.60
    11 Richard Thompson 22:35 51 65.24
    12 Emma Swan 27:44 58 65.08
    13 Tracy Mitchell 28:08 58 64.16
    14 Georgia Flowers 23:36 35 62.85
    15 Chris Boakes 20:49 33 62.13
    16 Will Russell 20:47 23 61.83
    17 Jude matthews 30:00 60 61.67
    18 Pete Goodman 22:05 39 60.83
    19 sarah russell 28:25 54 60.65
    20 Dan Harris 22:50 40 59.27
    21 Raffaele Barra 28:22 11 59.22
    22 Hannah Felton 26:24 27 55.81
    23 Renee van der Most 33:24 53 51.05

  • Road Race, Fun Run

    Virtual Parkrun Series 4

    Sun 2 May 2021

    Bevendean Down

      Name  Time Age Age grade %
    1 Stuart Roberts 19:12 45 73.18
    2 Nigel Herron 22:00 56 69.70
    3 Jim Whitelegg 21:33 53 69.45
    4 Phil Grabsky 22:21 57 69.20
    5 Paul Wishart 21:42 53 68.97
    6 Steve Frogley 19:29 36 67.49
    7 Sara Burns 24:00 46 65.90
    8 Dan Allen 24:32 62 65.83
    9 Andrew Brooks 24:26 60 64.94
    10 Geoff Manns 23:08 52 64.19
    11 Gary White 23:02 51 63.97
    12 Richard Thompson 23:18 51 63.23
    13 Tim Jones 21:49 38 61.12
    14 Terry Avey 28:50 70 60.46
    15 Will Russell 21:19 23 60.28
    16 Pete Goodman 22:17 39 60.28
    17 Tracy Mitchell 29:58 58 60.23
    18 Jess Stribbling 24:51 32 59.36
    19 Raffaele Barra 28:31 11 58.91
    20 Chris Boakes 22:06 33 58.52
    21 Georgia Flowers 25:50 35 57.42
    22 sarah russell 30:22 55 57.41
    23 Jude Matthews  32:29 60 56.95
    24 Dan Harris 24:46 40 54.64
    25 Hildi Mitchell 31:05 50 53.03
    26 Hannah Felton 30:03 27 49.03
    27 Lydia Felton 31:22 24 46.97
    28 Renee van der Most 37:40 53 45.27

  • Road Race, Fun Run

    Virtual Parkrun Series: 3 Hove Prom

    Sun 25 Apr 2021

      Name Time Age Age grade %
    1 Joe Butler 18:05 49 80.18
    2 Phil Grabsky 19:28 57 79.45
    4 Geoff Pike 20:07 58 77.55
    3 Jim Whitelegg 19:20 53 77.41
    5 Sara Burns 20:28 46 77.28
    6 Nigel Herron 19:57 56 76.86
    7 Paul Wishart 19:38 53 76.23
    8 Gary White 19:28 51 75.68
    9 Barry Blackwell 19:58 54 75.54
    10 Chelsey Hallam 19:38 26 75.04
    11 Stuart Roberts 18:54 45 74.34
    12 Steve Frogley 17:42 36 74.29
    13 Andrew Brooks 21:22 60 74.26
    14 Tom Hooper 18:00 38 74.07
    15 Tobias Bremer 18:38 41 73.17
    16 Sean Butchers 17:42 29 72.6
    17 Erica Martin 20:45 39 72.53
    18 Judith Matthews 25:52 60 71.52
    19 Dan Allen 23:19 62 69.26
    20 Jess Stribbling 21:23 32 68.98
    21 Will Russell 19:02 23 67.51
    22 Richard Thompson 21:52 51 67.38
    23 Nina Atherton 22:06 31 66.67
    24 Terry Avey 26:16 70 66.37
    25 Tracy Mitchell 27:12 58 66.36
    26 Chris Boakes 19:33 33 66.16
    27 Pete Goodman 20:20 39 66.07
    28 Olle Akesson 20:13 38 65.95
    29 Emma Swan 27:42 58 65.16
    30 sarah russell 27:31 54 62.63
    31 Georgia Flowers 23:42 35 62.59
    32 Dan Harris 22:59 40 58.88
    33 Raffaele Barra 29:35 11 56.79
    34 Hannah Felton 26:35 27 55.42
    35 Lydia Felton 27:46 24 53.06
    36 Renee van der Most 32:33 53 52.38

  • Fun Run, Virtual

    Virtual Parkrun Series: 1 Hove Park

    Mon 5 Apr 2021

    Here are the full results from Week 1 of our Virtual Parkrun Series. (Remaining runs: 2 Preston Park, 3 Hove Prom, 4 Bevendean Down and 5 East Brighton)

      Name Time Age Age Grade %
    1 Jack Donaghy 17:01 26 75.51
    2 Steve Frogley 17:34 36 74.86
    3 Tom Hooper 17:39 38 75.54
    4 Tobias Bremer 18:47 41 72.58
    5 Sean Butchers 19:00 28 67.63
    6 Steve Selby 19:03 53 78.57
    7 Will Russell 19:07 23 67.22
    8 Paul Wishart 19:35 53 76.43
    9 Jim Whitelegg 19:38 53 76.23
    10 Phil Grabsky 19:40 57 78.64 (top age grade)
    11 Chris Boakes 19:40 33 65.76
    12 James Rae 19:49 44 70.40
    13 Geoff Pike 19:53 58 78.46
    14 Alastair Rhodes Doyle 19:55 14 68.03
    15 Tony Rickwood 19:58 46 70.87
    16 Pete Goodman 20:28 39 65.64
    17 Nigel Herron 20:35 56 74.49
    18 Nina Atherton 20:37 31 71.46
    19 Alison Moore 20:39 29 71.35
    20 Andy Bone 20:58 55 72.58
    21 Andrew Brooks 21:39 60 73.29
    22 Sara Burns 21:47 46 72.61
    23 Richard Thompson 21:47 51 67.64
    24 Geoff Manns 21:48 53 68.65
    25 Jess Stribbling 21:50 32 67.56
    26 Paul Whelpton 21:51 68 78.03
    27 Dan Harris 22:52 40 59.18
    28 Georgia Flowers 23:21 35 63.53
    29 Dan Allen 23:39 61 67.72
    30 Jonathan Martin  23:53 15 55.69
    31 Dara Hickey 25:27 10 67.78
    32 Hannah Carey 26:01 28 56.63
    33 Hannah Felton 26:13 27 56.20
    34 Terry Avey 26:56 70 64.73
    35 Sarah Russell 27:01 54 63.79
    36 Felix Doyle 27:09 11 54.39
    37 Tracy Mitchell 27:19 58 66.08
    38 Lydia Felton 27:53 24 52.84
    39 Emma Swan 27:56 58 64.62
    40 Lisa Ebdon 28:13 52 59.72
    41 Hildi Mitchell 28:35 50 57.67
    42 Jude Matthews 28:59 60 63.83
    43 Otis Lott 29:00 9 55.52
    44 Albi Anderson 29:38 9 54.33
    45 Elodie Bell 29:47 11 56.41
    46 Raffaele Barra 32:00 11 52.50
    47 Renee van der Most 33:28 53 50.95
    48 Zack Hayler 34:04 11 43.35


  • Fun Run

    Mince Pie 10M

    Sun 8 Dec 2019

    Pos Time Name
    96 1:20:58 Alison Moore
    122 1:24:53 Rob Weaver
    185 1:30:04 Liz Halliday
    295 1:39:15 Tracy Mitchell


  • Fun Run


    Sun 7 Oct 2018

    Pos Time Name
    4 52:07 Ian Leitch
    7 53:36 Todd Leckie
    19 58:01 Paul Weir
    34 60:56 Jonny McCormack
    38 61:07 Joe Butler
    62 63:53 Karn Sandilands
    114 68:33 Jonathan Lamb
    158 71:20 Andrew Brooks
    179 72:30 James White
    469 84:12 Alison Moore
    512 85:43 Gary Wilson
    982 1:41:14 Rob White

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Barns Green Half Marathon and 10k

    Sun 30 Sep 2018

    Half Marathon

    01:24:08 Paul Wishart Vet Men 50-59 01:24:04
    95 01:32:14 Jonathan Lamb Vet Men 40-49 01:32:06

    5 00:34:35 Patrick Acaye Senior Men 00:34:29

  • Fun Run

    King's Head Canter

    Mon 27 Aug 2018

    Pos Time Name
    33 18:57 Tom Sanderson
    51 20:20 Cassius Hebden
    130 26:39 Terry Avey


    Full results


  • Fun Run

    Brighton Phoenix 10k

    Wed 11 Jul 2018

    Despite the World Cup semi-final we had an excellent turnout from marshalls and other club volunteers. Congrats to the Race Director Andy Bone for pulling off another successful event, which required some signifcant last minute planning (course re-routing, communications, big screen for the footy).

    And congrats also to the winners from Phoenix - Finn McNally winning overall in 31.08, Steve Atkinson winning VM50 and Paul Whelpton winning VM65.

    Pos Time Name
    1 31:08 Finn McNally
    17 35:43 Darryl Hards
    18 35:44 Ash Dorrington
    27 36:56 James Miles
    29 37:05 Sean Butchers
    30 37:06 Steve Atkinson
    43 37:59 Matt Greenall
    72 40:08 Paul Whelpton
    74 40:11 Steve Selby
    82 40:45 Pete Goodman
    87 40:59 Will Russell
    89 41:01 Tony Rickwood
    102 42:07 Lance Bellers
    119 43:21 Amelia Culshaw
    147 45:13 Chris Berry
    156 45:54 Malcolm Kemp
    167 46:14 Grace Darling
    170 46:32 Georgia Flowers
    192 47:51 Gill Checkley
    288 56:27 Judith Matthews
    292 56:36 Hannah Felton
    306 57:57 Charlotte Matthews

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Weakest Link Relays

    Wed 20 Jun 2018

    A popular local relay event.  Good return as usual from the Phx teams.  We think we've picked the team names out of the results but if yours is missing let us know on

    If you want runners names listing for each team well... you will have to let us know too because the official results don't provide that information.

    Pos Team Time
    2 Up the Phoenix 46:44
    3 Phoenix X 46:56
    5 Screaming Phoenix 47:22
    9 Phoenix Z 50:56
    14 Phoenix Knights 51:43
    22 Phoenix Phlyers Ladies 53:29
    61 Phoenix O'Vets 1:03:37
    71 Feisty Phoenix Phillies 1:05:24

    Full results


  • Fun Run

    Hove Park races (WSFRL)

    Sun 10 Jun 2018

    Please let us know if any results are missing.

    Under 15 (~1500m) boys

    Pos Time Name
    2 5:09 Cassius Hebden
    3 5:23 Eddie Harrison
    7 6:11 Finley Hawkins

    Full results

    Senior (~5.5k) 

    Pos Time Name
    8 20:36 Karn Sandilands
    40 22:35 Will Russell

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Trundle Hill (WSFRL)

    Wed 23 May 2018

    A scenic West Sussex Fun Run League race with a tough climb in the first half.

    8th  Milan Watson  39:39

    13th  Tobias Bremer  41:33

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Chichester 10k

    Sun 4 Feb 2018

    This race served as a qualifier for the British 10k age group championships so boasted a very high quality field. Nonetheless our senior men picked up a team silver and Paul Whelpton, Malcolm Kemp and Andrew Haig have all earned England vests for the championships!

    Pos Time Name
    4 30:51 Ross Skelton
    5 31:46 Max Dumbrell
    77 36:30 Donald Maclellan
    153 (1st M60) 39:12 Paul Whelpton
    221 (5th M60) 41:11 Phil Hampshire
    232 (18th FSEN) 41:16 Bobby Searle
    282  42:31 Phil Grabsky
    320 43:19 Amelia Culshaw
    451 (2nd M70) 46:38 Malcolm Kemp
    479 (3rd M70) 47:14 Andrew Haig
    520 47:35 Hannah Carey

    Full results

    Ross Skelton, Max Dumbrell, Donald Maclellan – male team silver
    Ross Skelton – senior gold
    Max Dumbrell – senior silver
    Paul Whelpton – M60 gold
    Phil Hampshire – M60 silver
    Malcolm Kemp – M70 gold
    Andrew Haig – M70 silver

    Well done all

  • Fun Run

    Hangover 5

    Mon 1 Jan 2018

    The opening race of the West Sussex Fun Run League is the ever popular Hangover 5M – a  trail run up to Cissbury Ring and back. Bit of a result for family Hoyte we'd say.

    Superb run by Reuben Hoyte – race winner in 31:36 with a substantial 21 second lead over the second placed runner. Dad Kurt Hoyte was 15th in a field of 365 runners in a time of 35:28. Phoenix runners both.

    As if that wasn't enough, mum Caroline Hoyte running for Arena 80 was first woman home  (14th overall) in 35:26

    Full result

  • Fun Run

    Weakest Link Relay

    Wed 21 Jun 2017

    Phoenix dominated the Weakest Link relays this year... first four teams overall, and first two women's teams.  We don't have all the runners names and may even be missing a team or two so please email the media account if you want to be added.

    Pos Time Team Runners
    1 46:50 Not Donald Trump Donald Maclellan; Tobias Bremer; Alex Cruttenden; Darryl Hards
    2 47:21 Phoenix Ash Dorrington; Alex Bonzi; Milan Watson; Jonny McCormack
    3 49:27 Phoenix Again Paul Lawrence; Jim Whitelegg; Austen Hunter; James Miles
    4 51:26 Phoenix Flatliners Steve Selby; Matt Greenall; Andy Neighbour; John Tindell
    8 (1st women) 53:29 Phoenix Phried Eggs Anna Berry; Connie Jankowski; Bobby Searle; Erica Martin
          Georgia Flowers; Kate Gorman; Caroline Garrett; Gill Checkley
    39 61:10 Phoenix O'Vets Phil Hampshire; Malcolm Kemp; Andrew Haig; Zeina Clare
    53 66:57 Phoenix Old Birds  Jud Matthews; Liz Halliday; Sarah Russell; Amelia Culshaw

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Go Girl 5K

    Fri 16 Jun 2017

    Excellent result for Mona Sorensen – 6th (in a field of 172) in a time of 21:43

    Full result

    Facebook report

  • Fun Run

    Arena 80 Hove Park races

    Sun 11 Jun 2017

    Part of the West Sussex Fun Run League - an 800m and 1500m for juniors and 5k for seniors.

    1500m (under 15s)

    Pos Gender pos Time Name
    4 4 5:15 Cassius Hebden
    10 10 5:37 Eddie Harrison
    11 11 5:41 Matthew Noakes
    19 17 5:55 Finley Hawkins
    29 7 6:24 Ellis Bromfield
    35 11 6:33 Greta Hunter
    56 23 8:15 Lola Di Rienzo
    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Lewes Easter Monday Races

    Mon 17 Apr 2017

    10k race

    Flattish but much of it on rough path and meadow land, this is a slowish but hugely popular fixture in the West Sussex Fun Run League series. There were over 700 competitors. We spotted the following Phoenix runners some of whom were listed under their fun run clubs (in brackets):

    Josh Guilmant ran a blinder in a fierce head-to-head with Chichester's James Baker who has won this event a good few times previously. Well done Josh.

    1st Josh Guilmant 34:19

    108th Andrew Neighbour 44:16

    125th Connie Jankowski-Sandford (Hove Hornets) 45:05

    141st Andrew Haig (Southwick Strollers) 46:12

    215th Georgia Flowers (Hove Hornets) 49:00

    231st Terry Avey (Arena 80) 49:29


    1 Mile race

    We spotted just one Phoenix runner. Let us know if you've been missed

    71st (16th F) Jess Powell 8:00


    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Mince Pie 10M

    Sun 4 Dec 2016

    This popular seasonal race is not as easy as it might sound. Six miles of it are off road and there is a challenging hill at the six mile mark. Oh, and it were darnn cold on them thar hills.

    Terrific performances then by our three runners.

    Darryl Hards won the event in a blistering 57.54, well over a minute ahead of the second placed runner.

    Georgia Flowers was 84th in a time of 1:19.15

    Kim Hards was 4th M60, 142nd in 1:25.50

    Well done all

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    The Big W

    Thu 1 Sep 2016

    Seven runners tackled the "Big W" a series of challengingly steep ups and downs on the hills above Kingston.

    Setting off at handicapped intervals on the looped course, runners have the option of which direction they take. Congratulations to Andy Bone who was the only one to turn left at the start and was rewarded with by far the best time.

    Times are approximate since organiser and timekeeper Andrew Neighbour (to whom thanks) opted to run as well.

    1) Andy Bone  25:22
    2) Richard Thompson  26:10
    3) Andrew Neighbour  26:44
    4) Jon Wright  28:20
    5) Malcom Kemp  29:31
    6) Andrew Haig  30:31
    7) Liz Halliday  31:21


  • Fun Run

    Hove Hornets Stinger

    Sun 21 Aug 2016

    Pos Time Name
    7 38:20 Alex Cruttenden
    15 39:49 Matt Greenall
    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Hove 5K and junior races

    Sun 12 Jun 2016

    Senior 5K race
    60th Hannah Carey (3rd F) 20:17

    U15 1500M
    3rd Eddie Harrison 5:46
    6th Cassius Hebden 6:06

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Black Cap Handicap

    Thu 9 Jun 2016

    A traditional club fun run, where runners set out staggered according to their handicaps to run a 5 mile out and back course along the top of the downs.  The handicap winner, fastest man and fastest woman will receive awards at the annual awards night.  Thanks to Liz Halliday, Sue Hudson, Kath Hartnett and Malcolm Kemp for making it happen.


     Start time from 19:00

    Finish Number

    Finish Time

    Actual Time


    Hildi Mitchell





    Handicap Winner

    Jon Wright






    Luis Miguel Martín






    Paul Lawrence






    Caz Garrett





    Fastest Woman winner

    Pete Goodman






    Jim Whitelegg






    Donald McClellan






    Paul Weir





    Fastest Man winner

    Alaric Stride






    Rachel Woolston






    Gill Checkley






    Tom Sanderson






    Andrew Haig






    Nigel Herron






    Josh Guilmant






  • Fun Run

    Hangover 5

    Fri 1 Jan 2016

    First race of the West Sussex Fun Run League 2016 - and some Phoenix runners took their sore heads along:

    Pos Gen Pos Time Name
    12 12 34:37 Paul Wishart
    77 73 40:04 Andrew Neighbour
    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Brooks Brighton 10K

    Sun 15 Nov 2015

    There was a heartening turnout, both male and female, for this popular event. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't in a mood to celebrate. Lowering skies and a fierce wind coming in from the west made the race doubly tough. Having said that, there were some tasty performances and congratulations must go (again!) to Paul Whelpton for his category first. Congratulations too to second claimer Daryll Hards for his superb 10th place in a time of 33:36.

    Four of you entered as 'Phoenix' which may upset the team results. Please remember, that for all events including multisport, our team name is 'Brighton Phoenix'

    20th Patrick Acaye 34:20

    46th Tobias Bremer 36:08

    71st James Miles 37:12

    88th Matt Greenall 37:32

    91st James Rae 37:48

    125th Erica Martin 38:46 (4th senior woman)

    144th Nigel Herron 39:26

    175th Paul Whelpton 39:50 (1st M60)

    204th Liz Durman 40:33

    208th Miles Davidson 40:34

    235th Bobby Searle 40:58

    381st Caroline GarretT 43:35

    395th Mark Walker 43.27

    434th Hannah Carey 44:25

    451st Mark Selby 44:01

    521st Terry Avey 44:47

    518th Barry Blackwell 45:22

    1433rd Midgie Thompson 53:48

    2197th Joe McNulty 1:03:09


    Full results


  • Fun Run

    The Big W

    Thu 27 Aug 2015

    The Big W, a three mile down-up-down-up-down club run, made a comeback this year.  Congrats to all runners and big thanks to the organisers.

    Name Estimate (in minutes) Time Achieved difference to estimate
    Donald MacLellan 00:20:00 00:22:44 00:02:44
    Jamie (guest) 00:26:00 00:25:59 00:00:01
    Andy Bone 00:25:00 00:26:02 00:01:02
    Jim Whitelegg 00:26:00 00:26:22 00:00:22
    Malcolm Hughes 00:25:00 00:26:46 00:01:46
    Richard Thompson 00:28:00 00:27:18 00:00:42
    Andrew Neighbour 00:25:00 00:27:32 00:02:32
    Jon Wright 00:28:00 00:28:27 00:00:27
    Nigel Herron 00:25:00 00:28:29 00:03:29
    Andrew Haig 00:28:00 00:32:48 00:04:48
    Phil Hampshire 00:28:00 00:32:48 00:04:48

  • Fun Run

    Henfield Half Marathon

    Sun 23 Aug 2015

    Caroline Garrett was 43rd overall iand 3rd woman in a time of 1:42:37.

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Brighton Phoenix 10k

    Wed 15 Jul 2015

    A splendid win for Finn McNally, keeping this year's club race in the family yet again.  Big congratulations to all the other club runners as well as the organising team.

    Pos Gun Time Chip Time Name
    1 00:31:01 00:31:01 Finn McNally
    11 00:34:01 00:34:01 Patrick Acaye
    43 00:36:52 00:36:51 James Rae
    50 00:37:26 00:37:23 Paul Wishart
    64 00:38:15 00:38:12 Alex Bonzi
    74 00:38:49 00:38:44 Tom Holborn
    88 00:39:28 00:39:25 Lance Bellers
    94 00:39:40 00:39:35 Simon Checkley
    108 00:39:56 00:39:49 Paul Weir
    115 00:40:19 00:40:15 Paul Whelpton
    141 00:41:46 00:41:42 Andrew Haig
    165 00:42:21 00:42:05 Steve Selby
    197 00:43:31 00:43:23 Will Russell
    215 00:44:09 00:44:05 Terry Avey
    Full results

  • Fun Run

    South Coast HM/10K/5K

    Sun 5 Jul 2015

    Well done to Terry Avey: First Male 60 in an excellent time.

    14th male (15th overall) 42:35

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Weakest Link Relay

    Wed 24 Jun 2015

    A fun local event held at Duke's Mound. Teams of 4 take turns running an undulating and twisty 2.5km route, and then all run a final leg together.  The clock is stopped when the last of the four team members crosses the finish line on the fifth leg.

    Phoenix fielded 6 teams. The women bossed their race, taking both 1st and 2nd places.

    Phoenix men: 2nd and 4th places (the 4th placed team was also first over 40s team).

    Pos Cat Pos Time Team
    2 2 (Men) 48:19 Flea Nix (Men Seniors)
    50:37 Phoenix Phorty+ (Men O40)
    7 1 (Women) 53:01 Phoenix Fillies (Women)
    10 2 (Women) 53:53 Phoenix Blast (Men Seniors)
    14   54:51 Phoenix O'Vets (Men O50)
    20   57:15 Mind Over Body (Women)
    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Black Cap Handicap

    Thu 18 Jun 2015

    Our annual fun run - see the race report for more details and highlights. Congrats to Daren Elliott for winning the handicap; Donald Maclellan and Tobias Bremer for joint fastest man, and Lizzy Miles for fastest woman.


    Finish Number

    Actual Time


    Jake Elliott




    Daren Elliott



    Club Handicap winner

    Tim Woodman




    Jon Mitchell




    Donald McClellan



    Club joint fastest man

    Phil Grabsky




    Isabel Anderson




    Simon Checkley



    Tobias Bremer



    Club joint fastest man

    Paul Whelpton




    Lizzy Miles



    Club fastest woman

    Dave Powell




    Elana Moore



    running with Paris Moore

    Paris Moore




    Paul Weir




    Richard Thompson




    James Miles




    Andrew Haig



    running with Phil

    Phil Hampshire



    running with Andrew

    Andy Bone




    Gill Checkley




    Alex Bonzi




    Matt Parry-Jones




    Zeina Clare




    Joe McNulty




    Peter Thomas




    Hildi Mitchell




    Martin McCudden




  • Fun Run

    Hove Park junior races + WSFRL 5K

    Sun 14 Jun 2015

    Boys U15 2300M
    1st Daniel Simpkin 8:34

    Boys U13 1500M
    7th James Henderson 6:00

    Boys U11 1500M
    15th William Muzio 6:01

    WSFRL 5K
    84th Andrew Haig (running for Southwick Strollers) 20:30
    85th Will Russell (running for Portslade Hedgehoppers) 20:32

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    St Ives Bay 10K

    Tue 26 May 2015

    Slowish time for Matt Greenall on holiday in Cornwall but as he puts it 'dunes, wind, sand'

    6th 42:17

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Lewes 10K

    Mon 6 Apr 2015

    Part of the West Sussex Fun Run League, this popular event attracts a big field. The route is part trail and part road so not super fast. Some Phoenix athletes run for second claim fun run clubs so difficult to spot the results. So far we have:

    45th Andrew Neighbour 41:35
    71st Darren Elliot (Portslade Hedgehoppers) 43:39
    90th Terry Avey 45:01
    93rd Andrew Haig (Southwick Strollers) 45:07
    150th Will Russell (Portslade Hedgehoppers) 47:26
    366th Rik Taub 56:54

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Chichester Priory 10k

    Sun 8 Feb 2015

    This was the first race of both the Sussex Road Race Challenge and the Sussex Grand Prix 2015 and Brighton Phoenix runners did not disapoint - strong performances all round and a good number of PBs.

    Pos Time Chip Pos Chip Time Class Pos Name
    42 34.06 46 34.04 38 (SM) James Miles
    54 34.36 54 34.35 48 (SM) Tobias Bremer
    78 35.54 78 35.49 8 (M40-49) Donald Maclellan
    139 37.59 140 37.51 6 (M50-59) Nigel Herron
    146 38.14 146 38.06 12 (SF) Erica Martin
    162 38.42 166 38.40 12 (M50-59) Lance Bellers
    263 41.30 250 40.51 142 (SM) Dan Harris
    291 42.02 302 41.50 5 (M60-69) Andrew Haig
    295 42.08 293 41.39 71 (M40-49) Steve Farmer
    299 42.12 288 41.34 72 (M40-49) Jonathan Donno
    329 42.41 344 42.38 34 (M50-59) Phil Grabsky
    376 43.33 380 43.12 176 (SM) Will Russell
    479 45.32 502 45.14 16 (M60-69) Terry Avey
    484 45.35 478 44.54 63 (M50-59) Tim Woodman
    707 49.21 733 48.49 40 (F40-49) Zeina Clare
    775 50.42 798 49.51 20 (F50-59) Deborah Evers

    Team positions: MEN Phoenix A 10/90, Phoenix B 32/90, Phoenix C 44/90. WOMEN Phoenix A 12/51

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Downland Devil 9

    Sun 7 Dec 2014

    41st Andrew Neighbour 1:09:12

    87th Jonathan Donno 1:15:28

    97th Terry Avey 1:16:14


  • Fun Run

    Mince Pie 10

    Sun 7 Dec 2014

    Two Phoenix runners in this year's Mince Pie 10 - including a big PB from Steve Farmer, improving on last year's time by over 5 minutes.

    Position Name Time
    54 Steve Farmer 01:14:30
    59 Will Russell 01:14:55
    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Barns Green Half Marathon

    Sun 28 Sep 2014

    A strong showing from Phoenix at Barns Green Half Marathon. Patrick Acaye came a superb third in his first ever half marathon, the day after competing in the Cross-country relays. A great race also from Dave Carter who was fifth SM, and Donald MacLellan who had also raced the relays the day before.  Patrick, Dave and Donald took Brighton Phoenix to third place in the team competition, and Mark Cossey also ran a big PB.

    Race position Name Time Chip Time
    3 Patrick Acaye 1:15:!3 1:15:13
    6 Dave Carter 1:17:54 1:17:53
    34 Donald MacLellan 1:24:34 1:24:30
    37 Mark Cossey 1:25:01 1:24:56
    48 Matt Greenall 1:27:18 1:27:13
    58 Steve Groves 1:29:28 1:29:26
    449 Jon Wright 1:53:43 1:53:26

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    King's Head Canter

    Mon 25 Aug 2014

    This popular Bank Holiday road run between two pubs, offers a free pint at the finish. I'm not saying that this was the reason but a one, two, three by Phoenix runners in exceptionally good times speaks volumes!

    1st Josh Guilmant 15:23
    2nd Jon Pepper 15:34
    3rd Finn McNally 15:36
    82nd Terry Avey 22:08

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Arundel 10K

    Sun 24 Aug 2014

    87 Andrew Chapman 47:30
    99th Terry Avey 48:15

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Black Cap Handicap

    Thu 31 Jul 2014

    Thanks again to Liz Halliday for organising this annual event. By all accounts it was a beutiful evening up on the Downs. Watch for a news report and Matt's photos.

    First home and winner of the handicap itself was Rik Taub in 47:30 (beating the handicapper by a whole 4 minutes!).
    Second Home and winning the fastest woman award was Kate Gorman in 35:16
    Nigel Herron was third home in 32:48 but Matt Greenall paced well to just pip Nigel for fastest man in 32:41

    The summarised results show actual time followed by estimated time used by the handicapper

    Paul Thomas    01:15:23    01:04:48  
    Rik Taub    00:47:30    00:51:31       
    Hildi Mitchell    00:44:11    00:44:47 
    Clare Milson    00:45:02    00:42:18
    Dan Harris   00:39:35    00:41:43     
    Kathryn Harrnett    00:40:44    00:41:24     
    Barry Blackwell    00:36:35    00:38:42      
    Ross Wiggins    00:37:05    00:38:42
    Kevin Lowe    00:38:06    00:37:48
    Kate Gorman    00:35:16    00:37:48  
    Barry Long    00:36:34    00:37:35     
    Malcolm Hughes    00:34:23    00:36:00       
    Naresh Lowe    00:39:43    00:35:46
    Nigel Herron   00:32:48    00:35:17    
    Matt Greenall    00:32:41    00:34:55

  • Fun Run

    Bexhill 5k

    Wed 30 Jul 2014

    9th Sean Parker-Harding 16:30:70 (SM 8th)

    56th Paul Laurence 18:58:30 (MV1 7th)

    62nd Lance Bellers 19:15:50 (MV3 5th)

    130th Terry Avey 21:19:30 (MV5 6th)


  • Fun Run

    Downland Dash Hassocks

    Sun 29 Jun 2014

    Andrew Neighbour 34th M 40:00
    Liz Halliday 22nd F 46:45

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Hove Park Junior Races

    Sun 8 Jun 2014

    We have a great track record in this event and this year's entry did us proud. Well done especially to Naomi Fonteyn for her course record.

    U11 G 1500M
    1st Emily Muzio 5:56
    3rd Ciara Muzio 5:59
    9th Jessica Farrent 6:28
    10th Beatrix Dalley 6:31
    18th Flora Davis 7:28

    U11 B 1500M
    2nd Alex Brothwell 5:20
    3rd Eimhin Wellings 5:31

    U13 G 1500M
    2nd Eloiise Nicoll 5:48

    U15 G 2300M
    1st Naomi Fonteyn 8:22 COURSE RECORD
    2nd Charlotte Matthews 8:41

    U15 B 2300M
    1st Reuben Hoyte 7:38

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Chichester Priory 10k

    Sun 9 Feb 2014

    Pos. Name Chip Time Chip Pos. Gender Gender Pos. Cat. Cat. Pos.
    2 Jon PEPPER 00:30:26 2 Male 2 M 2
    25 Ross SKELTON 00:33:14 25 Male 25 M 25
    73 Bruce WARREN 00:35:53 73 Male 70 M50 1
    120 Jon PIKE 00:37:53 120 Male 106 M40 17
    134 Stuart PAL 00:38:45 135 Male 119 M40 23
    138 Nigel HERRON 00:38:57 138 Male 123 M40 26
    140 Erica MARTIN 00:38:57 139 Female 16 F 13
    144 Tom FARSIDES 00:39:12 144 Male 127 M50 8
    201 Lance BELLERS 00:40:49 205 Male 177 M50 15
    260 Andrew HAIG 00:42:17 266 Male 225 M60 7
    278 Terry AVEY 00:42:34 284 Male 241 M60 10
    430 Steve FARMER 00:45:12 429 Male 368 M40 121
    510 Sonal Chaudhary 00:46:54 534 Female 78 F  42
    696 Deborah EVERS 00:49:53 721 Female 129 F50 19
    1474 Ananda MELLO-COSTA 01:04:21 1472 Female 534 F 262
    1583 Sue HUDSON 01:10:05 1585 Female 614 F50 90

  • Fun Run

    The Weakest Link

    Wed 26 Jun 2013

    Both the Phoenix mans and womens team finished first in The Weakest Link. The men finished just over 2 minutes ahead of the 2nd place mens team and the women just over an astonishing 5 minutes ahead of the 2nd place womens team. I do not have details of the teams or their splits just yet but details will follow. 

    Overall Pos  Cat pos Team Name  Cat Leg1 Leg2 Leg3 Leg4 Leg5 Time 
    1st 1st Phoenix 1 M 09.07 11.08 08.32 09.32 09.30 45.56
    8th 7th Phoenix Allsorts M 09.36 11.08 10.58 09.57 11.32 52.39
    19th 1st Phoenix Fillies  W 11.23 10.32 10.09 10.52 11.50 54.42
    20th 14th O'Vets M 10.54 11.07 11.26 09.53 11.28 54.59
    29th 9th Phoenix Finest Mix 10.51 12.54 12.15 10.10 12.31 58.11 

  • Fun Run

    Hove Park Races

    Sun 9 Jun 2013

    This is part of the West Sussex Fun Run league and is always popular with Phoenix young athletes who can race in their appropriate age category.

    Performance of the day was by Almi Nerurkar who set a new course record for the U13 girls 1500M. 5:11 is the new mark. Clubmates Holly Luscombe and Izzie Whitelegg were second and third respectively.

    The other winner was Chloe Watson in the U15 girls 2,300M. Only one other competitor but Chloe ran a fine 8:52 non-the-less.

    Second places were taken by Deaglan Shinn in the U13 boys 1500M and Milly Dickenson in the U11 girls 1500M.

    Of course there were may other young Phoenix runners taking part.

    In the adult 5K event there were just two competitors from Phoenix. Andy Bone came 29th in 19:00 and Andrew Haig (running for Southwick Strollers) came 116th in 22:06.

    Full results can be found here

  • Fun Run

    Downland Devil 9M

    Sun 2 Dec 2012

    As the name suggests, this is not an easy race.There were 236 finishers.

    The very much in form Phoenix vet Donald Maclellan was our only representative and he took the race by storm, winning in a time of 1:00:26.

    To give an idea of the quality of this performance, the second placed runner was 46 seconds adrift and the third almost two minutes behind.

    Great run Donald.

    Full results

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