
If you have a race result to add here please submit it using the form on the contact us page.

  • Fun Run

    Lewes 10K

    Mon 18 Apr 2022

    Pos Gun Time Chip Time Athlete SurName Category CatPos GenPos Gender
    3 00:36:27 00:36:27 Daegan Beaumont Senior Male 1 3 M
    156 00:50:38 00:50:34 Andrew Haig Male Vet 75 1 129


    194 00:53:51 00:53:47 Terry Avey Male Vet 70 2 150 M



  • Fun Run

    Arundel Castle 10K

    Sun 29 Aug 2021

    Pos Name Chip time Cat Cat pos Gender Gender Pos
    10 Will Russell 00:39:24 Sen Male 9 Male 9
    100 Andrew Haig 00:49:41 Vet 70+ 1 Male 81
    139 Terry Avey 00:52:05 Vet 70+ 2 Male 116
    165 Sarah Russell 00:54:30 Vet 55 6 Female 33

  • Road Race, Fun Run

    Virtual Parkrun Series: 5 East Brighton

    Sun 16 May 2021


      Name  Time Age Age grade %
    1 Phil Grabsky 20:32 57 75.32
    2 Steven Frogley 17:44 36 74.15
    3 Andrew Brooks  21:35 60 73.51
    4 Nigel Herron 21:02 56 72.9
    5 Jim Whitelegg 20:36 53 72.65
    6 Sara Burns 22:10 46 71.35
    7 Chelsey Hallam 21:04 26 69.94
    8 Dan Allen 23:19 62 69.26
    9 Terry Avey 26:29 70 65.83
    10 Jess Stribbling 22:29 32 65.60
    11 Richard Thompson 22:35 51 65.24
    12 Emma Swan 27:44 58 65.08
    13 Tracy Mitchell 28:08 58 64.16
    14 Georgia Flowers 23:36 35 62.85
    15 Chris Boakes 20:49 33 62.13
    16 Will Russell 20:47 23 61.83
    17 Jude matthews 30:00 60 61.67
    18 Pete Goodman 22:05 39 60.83
    19 sarah russell 28:25 54 60.65
    20 Dan Harris 22:50 40 59.27
    21 Raffaele Barra 28:22 11 59.22
    22 Hannah Felton 26:24 27 55.81
    23 Renee van der Most 33:24 53 51.05

  • Road Race, Fun Run

    Virtual Parkrun Series 4

    Sun 2 May 2021

    Bevendean Down

      Name  Time Age Age grade %
    1 Stuart Roberts 19:12 45 73.18
    2 Nigel Herron 22:00 56 69.70
    3 Jim Whitelegg 21:33 53 69.45
    4 Phil Grabsky 22:21 57 69.20
    5 Paul Wishart 21:42 53 68.97
    6 Steve Frogley 19:29 36 67.49
    7 Sara Burns 24:00 46 65.90
    8 Dan Allen 24:32 62 65.83
    9 Andrew Brooks 24:26 60 64.94
    10 Geoff Manns 23:08 52 64.19
    11 Gary White 23:02 51 63.97
    12 Richard Thompson 23:18 51 63.23
    13 Tim Jones 21:49 38 61.12
    14 Terry Avey 28:50 70 60.46
    15 Will Russell 21:19 23 60.28
    16 Pete Goodman 22:17 39 60.28
    17 Tracy Mitchell 29:58 58 60.23
    18 Jess Stribbling 24:51 32 59.36
    19 Raffaele Barra 28:31 11 58.91
    20 Chris Boakes 22:06 33 58.52
    21 Georgia Flowers 25:50 35 57.42
    22 sarah russell 30:22 55 57.41
    23 Jude Matthews  32:29 60 56.95
    24 Dan Harris 24:46 40 54.64
    25 Hildi Mitchell 31:05 50 53.03
    26 Hannah Felton 30:03 27 49.03
    27 Lydia Felton 31:22 24 46.97
    28 Renee van der Most 37:40 53 45.27

  • Road Race, Fun Run

    Virtual Parkrun Series: 3 Hove Prom

    Sun 25 Apr 2021

      Name Time Age Age grade %
    1 Joe Butler 18:05 49 80.18
    2 Phil Grabsky 19:28 57 79.45
    4 Geoff Pike 20:07 58 77.55
    3 Jim Whitelegg 19:20 53 77.41
    5 Sara Burns 20:28 46 77.28
    6 Nigel Herron 19:57 56 76.86
    7 Paul Wishart 19:38 53 76.23
    8 Gary White 19:28 51 75.68
    9 Barry Blackwell 19:58 54 75.54
    10 Chelsey Hallam 19:38 26 75.04
    11 Stuart Roberts 18:54 45 74.34
    12 Steve Frogley 17:42 36 74.29
    13 Andrew Brooks 21:22 60 74.26
    14 Tom Hooper 18:00 38 74.07
    15 Tobias Bremer 18:38 41 73.17
    16 Sean Butchers 17:42 29 72.6
    17 Erica Martin 20:45 39 72.53
    18 Judith Matthews 25:52 60 71.52
    19 Dan Allen 23:19 62 69.26
    20 Jess Stribbling 21:23 32 68.98
    21 Will Russell 19:02 23 67.51
    22 Richard Thompson 21:52 51 67.38
    23 Nina Atherton 22:06 31 66.67
    24 Terry Avey 26:16 70 66.37
    25 Tracy Mitchell 27:12 58 66.36
    26 Chris Boakes 19:33 33 66.16
    27 Pete Goodman 20:20 39 66.07
    28 Olle Akesson 20:13 38 65.95
    29 Emma Swan 27:42 58 65.16
    30 sarah russell 27:31 54 62.63
    31 Georgia Flowers 23:42 35 62.59
    32 Dan Harris 22:59 40 58.88
    33 Raffaele Barra 29:35 11 56.79
    34 Hannah Felton 26:35 27 55.42
    35 Lydia Felton 27:46 24 53.06
    36 Renee van der Most 32:33 53 52.38

  • Fun Run, Virtual

    Virtual Parkrun Series: 1 Hove Park

    Mon 5 Apr 2021

    Here are the full results from Week 1 of our Virtual Parkrun Series. (Remaining runs: 2 Preston Park, 3 Hove Prom, 4 Bevendean Down and 5 East Brighton)

      Name Time Age Age Grade %
    1 Jack Donaghy 17:01 26 75.51
    2 Steve Frogley 17:34 36 74.86
    3 Tom Hooper 17:39 38 75.54
    4 Tobias Bremer 18:47 41 72.58
    5 Sean Butchers 19:00 28 67.63
    6 Steve Selby 19:03 53 78.57
    7 Will Russell 19:07 23 67.22
    8 Paul Wishart 19:35 53 76.43
    9 Jim Whitelegg 19:38 53 76.23
    10 Phil Grabsky 19:40 57 78.64 (top age grade)
    11 Chris Boakes 19:40 33 65.76
    12 James Rae 19:49 44 70.40
    13 Geoff Pike 19:53 58 78.46
    14 Alastair Rhodes Doyle 19:55 14 68.03
    15 Tony Rickwood 19:58 46 70.87
    16 Pete Goodman 20:28 39 65.64
    17 Nigel Herron 20:35 56 74.49
    18 Nina Atherton 20:37 31 71.46
    19 Alison Moore 20:39 29 71.35
    20 Andy Bone 20:58 55 72.58
    21 Andrew Brooks 21:39 60 73.29
    22 Sara Burns 21:47 46 72.61
    23 Richard Thompson 21:47 51 67.64
    24 Geoff Manns 21:48 53 68.65
    25 Jess Stribbling 21:50 32 67.56
    26 Paul Whelpton 21:51 68 78.03
    27 Dan Harris 22:52 40 59.18
    28 Georgia Flowers 23:21 35 63.53
    29 Dan Allen 23:39 61 67.72
    30 Jonathan Martin  23:53 15 55.69
    31 Dara Hickey 25:27 10 67.78
    32 Hannah Carey 26:01 28 56.63
    33 Hannah Felton 26:13 27 56.20
    34 Terry Avey 26:56 70 64.73
    35 Sarah Russell 27:01 54 63.79
    36 Felix Doyle 27:09 11 54.39
    37 Tracy Mitchell 27:19 58 66.08
    38 Lydia Felton 27:53 24 52.84
    39 Emma Swan 27:56 58 64.62
    40 Lisa Ebdon 28:13 52 59.72
    41 Hildi Mitchell 28:35 50 57.67
    42 Jude Matthews 28:59 60 63.83
    43 Otis Lott 29:00 9 55.52
    44 Albi Anderson 29:38 9 54.33
    45 Elodie Bell 29:47 11 56.41
    46 Raffaele Barra 32:00 11 52.50
    47 Renee van der Most 33:28 53 50.95
    48 Zack Hayler 34:04 11 43.35


  • Fun Run

    Mince Pie 10M

    Sun 8 Dec 2019

    Pos Time Name
    96 1:20:58 Alison Moore
    122 1:24:53 Rob Weaver
    185 1:30:04 Liz Halliday
    295 1:39:15 Tracy Mitchell


  • Fun Run


    Sun 7 Oct 2018

    Pos Time Name
    4 52:07 Ian Leitch
    7 53:36 Todd Leckie
    19 58:01 Paul Weir
    34 60:56 Jonny McCormack
    38 61:07 Joe Butler
    62 63:53 Karn Sandilands
    114 68:33 Jonathan Lamb
    158 71:20 Andrew Brooks
    179 72:30 James White
    469 84:12 Alison Moore
    512 85:43 Gary Wilson
    982 1:41:14 Rob White

    Full results

  • Fun Run

    Barns Green Half Marathon and 10k

    Sun 30 Sep 2018

    Half Marathon

    01:24:08 Paul Wishart Vet Men 50-59 01:24:04
    95 01:32:14 Jonathan Lamb Vet Men 40-49 01:32:06

    5 00:34:35 Patrick Acaye Senior Men 00:34:29

  • Fun Run

    King's Head Canter

    Mon 27 Aug 2018

    Pos Time Name
    33 18:57 Tom Sanderson
    51 20:20 Cassius Hebden
    130 26:39 Terry Avey


    Full results


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