Starting on June 15th and running to late September we have coached sessions in the 50 yard outdoor pool – Pell's Pool in Lewes. The session starts at 20:00 (aim to be poolside a little earlier).
Use the contact form to find out more and to ask to join the Whatsapp group where you can make plans to travel together to sessions.
We can also arrange some group open water swims at various locations
Sea Lanes, Brighton_
We have also arranged with the fantastic new Sea Lanes pool on Brighton seafront, to hire two lanes on Tuesday nights starting on 20th June, for an hour from 7pm. The cost is £9, regardless of whether or not you have a Sea Lanes membership. Click below for more information and the booking form.
Full details hereBetween October to April we have coached pool sessions in recent years at Roedean School, Brighton (termtime only) but this is currently under review for this Autumn. These coached swim sessions are £6 per session for members to cover pool hire and lifeguard costs. Park in visitor car park only which is the first car park on the right at the top of the drive