As a registered charitable organisation and an inclusive community-based club, we’re always looking to expand the facilities we offer – especially to those in financial hardship.
Any donations we receive are spent entirely on improving the services that the club provides. This includes:
- Supporting elite athletes with costs associated with training and competing, such as travel to training camps and races abroad
- Support for athletes in financial hardship
- Travel and training camps for junior athletes
- Team entry fees to championships and high-profile competitions in the UK and abroad
- Access to training facilities, eg for strength and conditioning
- Specialist equipment

We are registered with the Charity Commission – registration number 1183179.
If you would like to make a donation, please do so by BACS direct to our bank account:
Barclays Bank
Account Holder: Phoenix Athletics Club
Account Number 00044083
Sort Code: 20-12-75
Reference DONATION
If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can support our activities through choosing to Gift Aid any donations to us, which enables us to reclaim tax you have paid and increase your donations’ value by 25%. Please complete and return this Gift Aid Declaration to us at