Junior sessions
The following training sessions are available for junior members:
5:00pm – Starter group – Meet at the 100m start line_
Ages 9-11 (School years 4, 5 & 6)
Young Athletes will have the opportunity to try different activities and gain an introduction to athletics in a fun way. Athletes will progress their general athletic development in preparation for Sports Hall/Track and Cross Country.
5:30pm – Distance running – Meet at the Finish line_
Ages 11-12 (School year 6)
This group will be doing more specific middle distance training for the track in the summer and XC in winter. Some athletes with commitment may be invited by the coaches to other training sessions during the week.
6:30pm – Running fitness group - Meet at the Finish line_
Ages 11-16 (School years 7, 8 and 9)
For various reasons some young athletes don’t want to or can’t compete, so this group will be structured to suit their needs while maintaining the opportunity to train with others of a similar ability. This will allow them to continue to enjoy running without the pressure of competition.
6:30pm – Distance running – Meet at the Finish line_
Ages 13-15 (School year 8 upwards)
Athletes who have shown a commitment to racing or have reached a set performance standard. They train more than once a week and show potential. They will progress to the Distance performance group. (600m target time: Boys - 2:10 / Girls - 2:20)
6:00pm – Distance performance_
Ages 14-17 (School year 8 upwards)
This group will have the same criteria as the distance running group above but will contain athletes who are at a higher level according to the coaches and will benefit from and cope with more advanced training. (800m target time: Boys - 2:50 / Girls - 3:00)
6:00pm – Distance performance_
Ages 16-20
This group will be for advanced athletes training primarily for track and XC. Athletes will receive structured training sessions and in some cases individual schedules to suit their racing requirements. Sub groups within this session will form to take in specific events and personal targets (800m target time: Boys - 2:16/ Girls - 2:25, 1500m target time: Boys - 4:20 / Girls - 5:10)
6.30pm - Sprint Group_
Ages 14+
All aspects of sprint technique. Hurdles sessions also available

Other training
Additional training is available throughout the week, with the exception of Tuesday circuits this is invite only for those in performance groups, numbers are restricted based on the number of coaches available.
Monday middle distance training – invite only
U13 upwards who race regularly and are considered of a suitable standard to manage the session.
Tuesday circuit training
Held at St Bernadette’s School – any member aged 14 and older
Strength and Conditioning – various nights – invite only
Aged U15 and older
Saturday middle distance training – invite only
U15 upwards who have the potential to make county standard.
Sunday junior long run – invite only
U15 upwards who race regularly and train on Mondays/Saturdays and are considered of a suitable standard to manage the session.