Turbo Charged!
Friday 12th March 2021
Ex-member and regular contributor to Phoenix News, Kathryn Harnett, joins the Monday zoom turbo crew to reconnect with some familiar faces and help her get back to fitness. Here's what she found...
It was with some trepidation that I joined the Phoenix turbo sessions (Monday evenings, 6-7!); I was feeling unfit after an injury and unsure if I would be ‘allowed’ to join, having left the club when I moved a few years ago.
I should have known better - not only did I get to catch up with old training friends but I was also re-acquainted with Nigel’s headband and worked to my limit and then some!
I had forgotten how amazing Phoenix training is having only been part of a running club since leaving Brighton. The people are very friendly but when you’re injured and can’t run you’re limited to what you can join in with. Phoenix offers a variety of ways of training, ensuring you can stay fit when you get a running injury.
If you haven’t experienced the 'Monday Zoom Turbo', it’s basically putting your bike on a turbo then cycling to different cadence/resistance. It started up during the first lockdown, and now includes 2-3 sessions a week, it has been so popular. We follow coach Liz Halliday’s expert instructions to manage the stages, reps and breathlessness. We seem to cycle hard, harder, then really hard before “one more...and then the last one” as Erica happily reminds us.
These sessions have been especially joyous as the banter and semi-nudity (you know who you are!) have been a welcome escape from the world, plus I am now back running, and all the fitter for it.
Anyways, I used to write for the Phoenix news, so this is my thank you for letting me join in the club again.
Go Turbo! Go Phoenix!