Hot off the press....
Friday 27th April 2018
Hot off the press....
The 38th London marathon took place last Sunday. The temperature reached highs of 24 degrees making it the hottest London marathon on record.
This was trying conditions for the 40,000 runners, many of whom would have trained in the U.K. winter.
The London Marathon is iconic - part of the World Marathon Majors, the current route was founded in 1981 by former Olympic champion and athlete John Disley.
A huge well done to the 8 Phoenix runners who took part with some good times (Dave Powell: 2:57:48, Rachel Gorman 3:21:47, Barry Blackwell 3:41:47 to name a few..).
Mixed comments from some of the runners:
"Too hot and too busy for me, had to constantly negotiate with the crowds of runners from start to finish. Very well organised event though.
Barry Blackwell
"I just went with it. Set off at 3.30 pace but soon made decision to just sit back and try and enjoy it on such a hot day.
Still really difficult and thought I should be able to breeze in under 4 hrs. But stopped for every sip of water along the way and came in at 4.09.
The most memorable marathon with amazing support , kept smiling most of the way and raised 1200 pounds for The Teenage Cancer Trust"
Gill Checkley
"I don't know what to say about it I'm afraid, it was a real struggle, too hot to be enjoyable... "
Pete Goodman
Pictured: Barry, Pete and Gill in new Phoenix kit!