New boy Ian third at Barns Green
Monday 1st November 2010
Phoenix has a new star runner. Ian Leitch ran a superb race for third place in the Barnes Green Half Marathon on Sunday 31 October. The race was won in record time by Kenyan Edwin Kipyego (1:04:28). Ian's time was 1:10:27 beating previous winner James Baker by 96 seconds. Ian is also the record holder at the Hove Park 5k TT and recently broke the course record for the Hove Prom 10k. Welcome to Phoenix Ian!
There were 1700 starters and a healthy turnout by Phoenix. We are waiting for final county placings and team awards but with Joe Francis running an excellent 1:20:27 (27th) and Bruce Faulkner1:21:55 (40th) as our scorers, we should be close to the medals.