Hot Cross Run
Tuesday 13th November 2018
10 November saw the first race of the Sussex Cross country League take place at Stanmer Park. An incredible 83 Phoenix runners took part and made quite an impact.It was beautifully organised and marshalled and attracted a record 700 athletes. Conditions were perfect – soft but not muddy underfoot, a gentle breeze and a mild temperature.
The headlines for Phoenix? Well no doubting the run of the day. Almi Nerurkar won the senior women's event after a heart-stopping sprint to the finish giving her a two second lead over Emma Dixon of Brighton Tri. Brilliant Almii! There was a healthy turn out of 16 athletes in the women's race.
The senior men won the day with 59 points to Brighton and Hoves's 74. Ian Leitch (M40) was our first finisher in in 5th place and we had four in the top 10. An unprecedented 39 men ran which means that the results show Phoenix A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I teams.
For the U20/senior women's race the A team finished a mere 8 points behind the leaders, Arena 80 in division 1. So everything to play for. Again the turnout allowed us B, C, D and E teams
The under 17 girls notched up a significant win with a points score of 19 over second placed Crawley (33 points). Maia Hardman led the charge with an excellent 3rd place
Thanks to Liz Halliday for the photos