Master Carter & Whelpton
Friday 26th January 2018
Master Carter & Whelpton
It was a grey, wet Saturday that saw the annual battle of the Vets - the Sussex Masters.
Held at Lancing the decision of which shoes were appropriate (trail shoes? spikes? which length spikes?) was first on everyone's lips as due to the torrential overnight rain and continued drizzle the course changed from ankle deep mud to slippery surfaces to shale to path.
Decisions made it was then time to tackle the hilly course and look forward to the final downhill descent!
Order of the day:
V50 men - nice work on their 5th team position.
V 60 men who saw Paul Whelpton finish first, half a minute ahead, with the team finishing third.
V35 women - a respectable 5th despite a shoe malfunction & subsequent withdrawal by Caz Garrett.
V45 & 55 women with Sarah & Liz representing.
M40 men -Dave Carter who took gold in 37:59 and the team who finished first with 27 points to second place 66.
We would like to give a huge thank you to top Phoenix support Douggie (pictured with the women’s team) for all his support & loud cheering!