All go with Turbo
Monday 22nd January 2018
All go with Turbo
Turbo sessions have started again and will continue every Monday through to Easter.
The sessions, held at Downs Infant School Brighton, are led by Erica Martin an Liz Halliday, both experienced triathletes.For those of you who haven't experienced it, Turbo is placing your bike on a turbo to completing a gruelling interval sessions to improve stamina, strength and cadence. It is great way of cross training that pushes you whilst allowing you to work at your own ability.
To cover hall hire costs there is a charge of £3 per session payable in cash or cheque (to Brighton Phoenix) before the start of the sessionn.
(If you pay by bank transfer please put "Turbo" and your name in the reference and email Liz and Erica when you make the transfer please so we can get our treasurer to confirm receipt.)
You will need to bring your bike and a turbo trainer plus mat or towel to drip on (you will sweat a lot). If you want to do the session but don't have a turbo trainer please email Erica and Liz and they will see if they can help out - please give good notice.
To maximise training, arrive by 6:50pm and be prepared to set up very quickly and similarly pack up quickly.
It would be useful if you could drop Erica or Liz an email if you think you will be attending.
Liz Halliday email
Erica Martin email