Pells Belles!
Wednesday 26th July 2017
Pell's Belles!
Liz Halliday, Kathryn Harnett & Erica Martin took part in the second of 3 aquathons at Pells Pool, Lewis on July 19th. Consisting of a 350metre swim and a 3km run for adults, there are also races for children from 8 years old. Entry is only £7.50 and includes a drink and snack when you finish.
As competitors were set off in waves, we weren't racing each other so were able to support from the sidelines.
We found the race very well organised and good value for money; it was a joy to compete in such a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.
Race times:
Erica Martin: 20:53:12
Kathryn Harnett: 24:03:99
Liz Halliday: 24:47:98
Next race is August 30th....