You have to tri it!
Sunday 16th July 2017
Falmer and Arundel - you have to tri it!
Mona Sorenson is a Phoenix member who is back doing triathlon. Recent successes include 4th Vet at Falmer tri. She says:
"I have done the Arundel Lido Triathlon (21 May) and Falmer Tri (9th July). I enjoyed both (both were sprint although Falmer had a longer bike route).
Arundel Lido was probably the most enjoyable in terms of a scenic setting; an undulating bike course (but some good downhill bits as well) and an undulating run which had a bit of a sharp hill midway - but then downhill and home flat which was a great way to finish.
Falmer was hillier and Ditching Beacon is thrown in towards the end of the bike route which is a bit of a shock to the system if you haven't prepared yourself for it! Falmer sells itself as a good first time triathlon - I would say Arundel Lido is a better one for that purpose (unless you really love a hilly bike route and a hilly run route).
Lessons learnt
Both triathlons were pool triathlons - so important to place yourself in the correct time slot because if you end up swimming in a lane with slower swimmers you risk a slower time if they don't obey the swim rules of letting you pass.
If doing Falmer Triathlon - DO practice the Beacon at least once before the big day!
Falmer was really well marshalled - so although the instructions seemed really complicated there was plenty of help on the way to show you where you were going (really big shout out to the 60 volunteers on the day!)
Great sunny weather for both races!
I need to do more bike training! :-)
I was 10th female at Arundel and 14th Female at Falmer (I think - provisional results). It feels good to be doing Triathlon again - but it was nice to have a fellow Phoenix member at the last one (Falmer)."
Fellow team mate / competitor Bobby Searle, is the senior women's captain who has recently turned her running talents to triathlon. She has this to add:
"Falmer triathlon was a great event, I would recommend it for others who like a few challenging hills. I had no idea I came 3rd (senior) as they didn't call my name at the prize giving so it was a nice surprise!"