Mike Whyte posts sub-3 at Barcelona
Monday 8th March 2010
Vet, Mike Whyte has set the pace for all those in the club hoping to run under three hours in the spring marathons. Coming off the back of 1:23 at the Beacon Half in February, he knocked an extraordinary 11 minutes off his marathon pb to record 2:57:11. at the Barcelona Marathon on Sunday 7 March. This for an excellent 423rd placing.
Mike writes "I was very pleasedthat I rannearly even splitsbecausestartingout too fast has beena problem for me on previous occasions, 1st half approx 1.28.30 and 2nd half approx 1.28.45. Weather conditions were perfect and the crowd support was great. This was one of my favourite marathons and very well organised. I´m running Edinburgh in May and will definitely be shooting for a sub 2.55."