Phoenix successes in Sussex Grand Prix
Monday 7th February 2011
The results are now available for the 2010 Sussex Grand Prix season. Phoenix prize winners are: Andrew Haig 1st V5, Bruce Faulkner 1st V2, Terry Avey 3rd V4, MaxPickard 1st JM, Tom Holborn 3rd JM.
Andrew Haig has now won his V5 (60-64) category for all five years. "In some ways, it's been the toughest ever, with one runner in particular at the younger end of the group, going hard for top spot" Andrew now moves into the V6 category this season.
Bruce Faulkner triumphed in one of the fiercest age groups - the V2 category (45-49). He managed this despite having to overcome further health problems. Impressive Bruce!
Every one knows that Terry Avey loves racing and his third placing in the tough V4 (55-59) category is his well-deserved reward. Despite turning 60 in early January, the SGP rules mean he has to compete in that age group all over again this year.
In the Junior male category, although no runner completed more than two scoring races, Max Pickard was 1st and Tom Holborn 3rd.
Highest placed women were Liz Halliday 5th V3 and Carolyn Austen 5th V5.
Phoenix were 8th club overall out of the 21 competing.
For those still unaware of this competition. 18 road races (including Phoenix races) throughout the year, are designated as 'Grand Prix' . Your positioning scores points for the club and for you individually and within your age category. Your best eight performances (which, optimally, need to include two 10M+ runs) are scored. Even if you do fewer than the optimum number your score will still count. Visit for further details including a list of this year's races.