Sussex County Cross Country Championships
Sunday 8th January 2023
Its January, its windy, its muddy, its Bexhill ; so it must the Sussex County Cross Country Championships.
Wins in the Under 20 category for Mia Edwards and Mat Geddes and 2nd places for Stella Gambie in the Under 11's and Finn McNally in the Senior Mens race. With 3rd places for Flora Davies in the Under 20's, Amy Harris in the Womens and Owen Wallek in the Under 17's it was a succesful day.
Team medals for :
Mens Under 20 - 1st Place - Matt Geddes, Ben Connolly and Josh Burton
Womens - 3rd place - Amy Harris, Suzy Rushforth, Mia Edwards & Flora Davis
Mens - 3rd place - Finn McNally, Si Heath, Luke Piper, Daegen Beaumont, Gary McKivett, Tom Hooper
No results published yet, but will be added here ASAP - See videos below

Mens Under 20 winners ; Geddes, Connolly & Burton

Womens medalists - Beth Garland, Verity Hopkins, Amy Harris

Amy, Suzy, Sarah & Sibel