New members excelling at Phoenix...
Friday 2nd September 2022
Bella Norris won Ultra X Wales
...a 250k 5 day race around southern Snowdonia...the race includes a total of just under 10000m elevation and she managed to add 5k on to the total distance running back to look for her phone on day 1!
An extraordinary achievement following a series of great performances in running events of all distances from 5k to marathon this season, as well as a recent top performance in the Eastbourne Middle Distance Triathlon.
A truly exceptional first year with the club!

Llewellyn Thomas wins the Bilsdale Fell Run
Llewellyn Thomas has only been with the club a month or so but is already showing himself to be an excellent hill runner, and he has some good duathlon results to his name this year too.
We look forward to seeing how he progresses.

Impressive shield as well as result...