Phoenix triumph at Preston Park Races
Tuesday 10th November 2009
The weather may have been appalling, leading to reduced numbers on the day but the racing was good and Phoenix notched up considerable success. Josh Guilmant took the men's race with a thrilling finish against Chichester's James Baker. Erica Martin led the women's race from start to finish, Dan Stepney and Sundai Boulton won convincing victories in the inaugural Friday ad Mile, Archie Davis won his race (U11 boys), Beth Kidger and Megan Kidger were first and second in the U17 girls, Charlie Grice was first (U17 boys) and Billy White broke the course record for U13 boys. Phoenix won both mens team and B team awards and U13 boys took silver. All in all a pretty successful day for the club. The event was generally considered to have gone off pretty smoothly. Thanks to the Phoenix athletes (61 competed) and everyone who gave their time and energy as marshalls, registrars, timekeepers and organisers especially Chairman Paul and Andy Bone who orchestrated the event brilliantly.
Suussex Sports Photography covered the race and can be seen here
Lance Bellers has posted additional shots here
Andrew Haig and Reg Richardson have also contributed some of these images.
Full results available soon