South East Tri: Charlotte's update
Saturday 19th July 2014
South East Tri up-date
Charlotte Mathews overcomes disappointment at the Bridge Triathlon to secure first place at the regional South East Triathlon Series.
5th June - Hever Castle (1st) evening Triathlon
1st girl (4th overall) 13-15 year age group. It's an open water swim followed by a mixed terrain cycle (all off road) and a beautiful run by the lake. A lovely evening. Transitions all working well.
Swim (300m) 06:19 T1 00:59 Cycle (4km) 14:21 T2 00:21 Run (4km) 24:51
Bridge Triathlon Youth event on Sunday 22nd June, at Dartford, Kent
Charlotte was really looking forward to the event, the second in the South-East regional series.
Things began with a 400m open water swim in a relatively clean lake. With the boys and girls competing at the same time, as is usual, there was some ‘firm' positioning by some of the competitors.
Wetsuit slipped off well giving a speedy transition followed by a lightening moving jump on the bike. The bike course was on one side of a close dual carriage way; a smooth tarmac surface but some technical corning. Charlotte's cycling really showing some improvement both in speed and bike handling.
Another speedy transition and Charlotte was in first female place. Out on the run Charlotte made an early turn failing to complete the full run circuit and had to notify the organisers that she should be disqualified. She lost a valuable score for the regional series.
Wednesday 2nd July Hever Castle (2nd) evening Triathlon
1st girl (2nd overall) 13-15 year age group. Same route as the first event a month earlier. Another beautiful evening with the added excitement (or embarrassment) of Charlotte's mum Judith having a go at her first open water Tri!
Sunday 6th July Human Race SuperTri at Eton Dorney 15-16 (Youth) High Performance event
This was the 4th race in the SE regional series. With Charlotte having been disqualified from the 2nd event and missed the third it was crucial for her to complete this event and perform well if she was to regain some lost ground on the regional table. Weather conditions were pretty ideal.
Charlotte had a reasonable swim leaving the lake in 8th place, just in the first half of the field. Transition went well and with 3 girls ahead Charlotte got herself into a small pack of girls hoping to work together to pull in the leaders. This wasn't to be but with another fine transition in T2 Charlotte set out on the run in 5th place. The run is Charlotte's strongest discipline but she just couldn't catch the girl ahead. Charlotte held onto her 5th place overall, really pleased with her result.
Charlotte is getting to meet some familiar and friendly faces at these events with the series in the SE region providing some really competitive racing. With the 4 leading girls in this event Charlotte was really pleased to have secured a first place in the SE series.
Swim(400m) 06:49 T1 58.0 Cycle (10.6km) 20:23 T2 41.0 Run (2.5km) 09:46
A huge effort - the Girl's on fire!